Marchenko Kateryna 9- A form Hadiach school №4 Marchenko Kateryna 9- A form Hadiach school №4
History and linguistic peculiarities of the collection of the small folk genres “The Mother Goose Rhymes”
The object of research: are the texts of the rhymes of Mother Goose
The basic purpose of research is the linguistic analyze of the rhymes and researching of their history.
The tasks of the research are: to research the origin of Mother Goose – as an author of nursery rhymes; to systemize the existing classification and identify the main principles of classification of texts of Mother Goose Rhymes; to describe the history of nursery rhymes; to analyze the linguistic peculiarities of the rhymes to show the importance of Mother Goose Rhymes for learning and teaching of English language
Work consists of - the introduction - 3 sections, - conclusions, - the list of the used literature - additions.
Who was Mother Goose? The first part presents the origin of Mother Goose. We tried to systemize all opinions and ideas about the real author of the Rhymes.
John Newbery
Humpty Dumpty by Mother Goose Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the king's horses and all the king's men Cannot put Humpty Dumpty together again.
Humpty Dumpty by Samuil Marshak Шалтай-Болтай Сидел на стене. Шалтай-Болтай Свалился во сне. Вся королевская конница, Вся королевская рать Не может Шалтая, Не может Болтая, Шалтая-Болтая, Болтая-Шалтая, Шалтая-Болтая собрать!
Ukrainian Humpty Dumpty Хитун - бовтун на стіні стояв Хитун - бовтун додолу впав Хоч прибігла вся королівська рать Хитуна - бовтуна не змогли вже піднять
In the second part of the research work there is the linguistic analyze and the history of the Mother Goose Rhymes according their division for four groups Lullabies the alphabet and counting rhymes the riddles for adults the rhymes about the secret history of Queens and Kings
Lullabies A lullaby is a soothing song, usually sung to children before they go to sleep. As a result they are often simple and repetitive 'Hush-a-bye Baby'
The alphabet and counting rhymes Baa, Baa, Black Sheep 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive Three blind mice A, B, C, and D ABC and so on. Using these rhymes children can practice numbers and letters with great pleasure.
The English textbook for the third form by Oksana Karpiuk contain the Mother Goose Rhymes as a part of playtime section. There are ten rhymes at pages 15, 19, 47, 48, 70, 106, 109, 139 and 142.
Riddles for adults Next rhymes belongs to the group of rhymes that have made their way into the nursery from adult riddles. Egg Humpty - Dumpty
The secret History of the nursery rhymes Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been? "I've been to London to look at the queen.“ Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you do there? "I frightened a little mouse under the chair." The real story about the cat of the waiting ladies of Queen Elizabeth Ist, which brushed with its tail the Queen’s foot, starling her. Luckily 'Good Queen Bess' had a sense of humour and decreed that the cat could wander about the throne room, on condition it kept it free of mice!
The linguistic peculiarities of all mother goose rhymes are: the using of the archaic words, the simple rhymes and the combination of the different grammar tenses of the verb and of course the melodious and catches words
USING RHYMES OF MOTHER GOOSE FOR LEARNING AND TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE Learn new vocabulary children can start to learn to count children learn about the letters of the alphabet learning to read and write basic introduction to poetry fun learning atmosphere
My experience as a teacher In the teacher ‘s day on the second of October I conducted the lesson in the second form. During the lesson we: learn a new letter Draw fish in the pond Sang the song of Mother Goose «Once I caught a fish alive » Learn numbers from one to five
Conclusion Mother Goose is well suited to use in the elementary ESL classroom for several reasons. The stories appeal to children's imagination, interesting characters, meaningful conflict, action, and realism. The natural rhythms help develop English intonation. Mother Goose stories are an important part of our childre n's culture and also adult literature. After almost two hundred years, they still hold children’s interest and provide ways to learn about their world. (Karen Galeano, 1983)
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