Faith Mallory, Emily Duncan, Kaleigh Patterson, Abbey Rowe, Montana Richardson
This theory states that societies need to maintain different cultures, that every culture within each society must be respected, and individuals have the right to participate in society without giving up cultural identity. Cultural Pluralism
Cultural Pluralism believes in three main points: 1.Society should strive to keep different cultures that exist within it. 2.Each culture within a society must be respected by others. 3.Individuals have the right to be active in all aspects of a society without giving up their cultural identity. Cultural Pluralism Beliefs
Amazing Classrooms: Spanish Immersion Number of students22 Time14:26 Grades1 st /5 th Student DemographicsAfrican American, Caucasian, Hispanic, Indian, and Oriental InstructionThis class was being submerged into the Spanish culture. They are speaking both in English and in Spanish. They were learning basic Spanish knowledge in all subjects.
Amazing Classroom: Spanish Immersion InstructorHispanic/African American/ Caucasian InstructionThis class was being submerged into the Spanish culture. They are speaking both in English and in Spanish. They were learning basic Spanish knowledge in all subjects. Teacher/Student InteractionThe instructors were able to teach the class as a whole and also able to work one-on-one with the students. Student/Student InteractionThe students were not embarrassed to try new things and work together to accomplish common goals. Classroom ManagementThe instructor would not allow student to not give their best. AssessmentPerformance based. The students will present what they have learned in order to be graded. CurriculumThe state/national standards. They are using what they know in English to apply to what they are learning in Spanish.
Our theory is presented in this classroom video by each student respecting the Spanish culture while not having to give up their own cultural identity. Each student we observed had a fair and equal opportunity to participate and experience aspects of the Spanish culture. Applying Theory to Video
Language-Classroom?d=0 Finding Their Voice in a Multi-Language Classroom Time14:40 Number of Students23 Grade Level4 th /5 th Student DemographicsRussian, Hispanic, Asian, Caucasian, African American InstructorThe teacher is a Russian female. InstructionShe makes connections from the text they are reading to other things in their life. The teacher stops and asks questions to make sure that the students are understanding and connecting the material to themselves.
Teacher/Student InteractionThe instructors were able to teach the class as a whole and also able to work one-on-one with the students. Student/Student InteractionThe students are hands on and the class works together to hold class discussions. They also are practicing student guided interaction. Classroom Management Kids have responsibilities because the teacher allows them to have a job and a part in their day at school. They have ownership, this is their classroom and it makes them take pride in it. She rings a bell to get the students attention. “Raise your hand for permission to speak.” The teacher uses timers to know when it is time to move onto the next activity. Classroom Setting Language Arts Classroom Assessment The teacher directed oral assessments throughout the class discussions. Curriculum The class worked primarily with Language Arts. They also visited many different cultures. Finding Their Voice in a Multi-language Classroom
Our theory applies because all students come from different cultures and the teacher brought each culture into the class discussions. This backs our theory belief in that societies should maintain the different cultures within that society. Applying Theory to Video
Time5:59 Number of Students16 Grade Level5 th grade Student DemographicsHispanic and Oriental InstructorMs. Noonan is in her 4th year as an E.L.A. teacher. She is a Caucasian female. She believes that what you teach now is necessary for the student’s future. She always believes that you need to have humor when being a teacher because it makes the day more enjoyable. Ms. Noonan: Your Unique Class Culture noonan-your-unique-class-culture?fd=0
CurriculumThe state/national standards. She teaches E.L.A and math. Instruction The teacher says her way to get their attention and have them know it is by “Talking fast, moving fast, and being loud.” She constantly is going over the instructions so there will not be questions about the assignment. Teacher/Student Interaction The instructor says to all her students to “know who you are and be proud.” When a student wants to be involved in the lesson everyone has to give that student a “snap, crackle, and pop” hand movement. Student/Student Interaction They helped each other understand and learn the materials. Classroom Management She uses her talking fast and loud and her fast movement to keep the children engaged. Classroom SettingELA Classroom Assessment She assesses them individual by having one-on-one time with each child to see what they learned. She feels it is important to have one-on-one time with each child because when they are in a group we cannot assess them as well as we can when they are an individual. Ms. Noonan: Your Unique Class Culture
The teacher explained to the students how important it is know who you are and be proud of themselves. This goes along with our theory because the teacher puts self-confidence in the students by teaching them about different cultures and how you should be respectful to them. The students listened to the instructor in that fact and were proud of who they truly are. The teacher made it easy for the students to feel comfortable around different cultures. Therefore, the students had no problem interacting with each other. Applying Theory to Video
1)In cultural pluralism, are students forced to give up their own identity and culture? 1)True 2)False 2)According to cultural pluralism, societies should 1)Strive to eliminate all other cultures 2)strive to keep different cultures that exist within it. 3)Pick only one culture to exist within a society 3)What culture were they trying to immerge the students into in the first video? 1)Indian 2)Asian 3)Hispanic 4)In Finding Their Voice in a Multi-language Classroom, how did they apply cultural pluralism? 1)Each culture was included in classroom discussion 2)The teacher discussed her culture only 3)The instructor had everyone work in groups with an assigned culture. Quiz
5. What did Ms. Noonan believe in for the Your Unique Class Culture video? 1. What you teach now is necessary for the future 2. What you teach now is not important because the students won’t remember it. 3. That students will only learn what is presented in their culture. 6. Complete the quote: “Know who you are… 1. and keep it to yourself 2. follow your heart 3. be proud 7. How were the students assessed in this ELA classroom? 1. A multiple choice test 2. Had them do group projects 3. She worked one-on-one with the students 8. Did the students listen to the instructor when she told them about knowing and respecting the identity of one’s culture? 1. true 2. False
9. In Finding Their Voice in a Multi-language Classroom, the students had “jobs” : 1. Because it taught them responsibility and ownership 2. because it allowed the teacher to teach more because she had more time 3. because it teaches them skills they will need in their own culture 10. Individuals have the right to be active in _____ aspects of a society without giving up their cultural identity. 1. Some 2. One 3. All