Matters of life and death Topic covers Belief in life after death (all religions and none religious reasons) Why some people do not believe in life after death Abortion and religious attitudes Euthanasia and religious attitudes Media and life after death
Christian attitudes to life after death Christians believe there is an afterlife. Although the body dies and is buried or cremated, they believe that their unique soul lives on and is raised to new life by God. Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.’ John 11:25-26 God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Christians and Life After Death Other Christian (non-Catholic) teachings; Some say that the souls of the dead remain in the grave until the end of the world (judgement) when Jesus will return to earth. God will judge people good and bad. Heaven is for Christians only according to this group. Main Christian belief is that Jesus rose from the dead. All four Gospels record this. To Christians this proves that there is life after death Other Christians believe in the Immortality of the Soul. This means that the soul lives on after death (it doesn’t stay in grave). Most of these Christians don’t believe in hell and that all people could go to heaven. Many Christians believe in life after death because it gives life meaning and purpose. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) states that when people die; Those who are perfectly pure go to HEAVEN, Those who are imperfectly pure go to PUGATORY, Those who refuse to believe or die without repenting (saying sorry) will go to HELL and God is the judge A new heaven and new earth will be made and resurrected souls will live in heaven or purgatory for ever. Descartes – ‘I think therefore I am,’ used by some Christians to show that the mind is separate from and greater than the body. Therefore the mind can live without the body thus they believe in immortality of the soul. How the belief in life after death affect the lives of Christians What happens to them when they die will be based on how they lived. This means they will try to live a good life. To live a good life they must love thy neighbour and love God, e.g. The Good Samaritan. Also believe they should avoid sin
Complete box for revision Immortality of the soul Resurrection of the dead Heaven and hell
Complete….. Review to do in pairs: All Christians _________in life after death. However they agree on ___ main beliefs: Heaven and hell and ________ of the dead. The parable of the sheep and goats talks about _________, heaven and _______. Jesus boldly said :” He who believes in me cannot die he has __________ life
Answers Review to do in pairs: All Christians _Believe__in life after death. However they agree on _2_ main beliefs: Heaven and hell and resurrection of the dead. The parable of the sheep and goats talks about Judgement, heaven and Hell. Jesus boldly said :” He who believes in me cannot die he has Eternal life
Non Religious Reasons for life after death Non religious reasons for believing in life after death are connected to the paranormal. There are three main parts of the paranormal that provide reasoning for believing in life after death Near death experiences-when somebody is clinically dead for a time and then comes back to life and can remember what happened. The main features are feelings of peace, floating above the body, seeing a bright light, entering a heavenly place where they see dead relations Evidence for a spirit world where they clearest evidence comes from mediums. Mediums claim to be able to contact the dead and communicate between the spiritual and material world. Mediums claim that religious leaders like Jesus were in touch with the spirit world so their religions do not have the only truth. Evidence of reincarnation- Hindus and Buddhists
Arguments Against life After Death Death is the end of life. Therefore life after death is a logical contradiction Scientific evidence for the origins of humanity shows that our mind has developed from a material process. Physical evidence suggests that when your body dies everything about you dies. The medical condition of brain death shows that the brain can die before the body. We can only recognise each other because we have bodies. The universe is a vast material place, so where could life after death take place?
Arguments Against life After Death Some people do not believe in life after death because: The main evidence for life after death is in Holy books which contradict each other. For example, the Qur’an teaches resurrection, the Gita teaches re-incarnation, some of the Bible teaches immortality of the soul No one has undoubtedly returned from the dead. Science shows that when the body dies, the brain dies, and life-support machines show that the brain dies, so what could survive death? There is no place where life after death could take place. People who are atheists will not believe in life after death
Arguments in favour of life after death Arguments against life after death People claim to have _____________ where they see their life flash before them. Often, people also see a beautiful bright light. There is no _______ to conclusively prove that life after death does take place. Many religious people point to their ______. These contain evidence that heaven and hell do exist. Many eye witnesses may have been mistaken or may even be ______ about what they have seen. People who have seen _____ say they are proof that the human person is living on even after their death. Despite the best efforts of ________ and astronauts, we have found no place where __________ might actually take place.
Arguments in favour of life after death Arguments against life after death People claim to have had Near Death Experiences where they see their life flash before them. Often, people also see a beautiful bright light. There is no evidence to conclusively prove that life after death does take place. Many religious people point to their holy books. These contain evidence that heaven and hell do exist. Many eye witnesses may have been mistaken or may even be lying about what they have seen. People who have seen ghosts say they are proof that the human person is living on even after their death. Despite the best efforts of scientists and astronauts, we have found no place where life after death might actually take place.
Another riddle: When does life begins: Here? 12
Life after death People who argue about abortion often argue when life begins: Some say it begins as soon as an egg is fertilized. Others say it begins when it receives a soul. Others say life only begins when the fetus can survive outside the womb.
Abortion Social Facts on… Mother’s life is at risk Abortion made legal in 1976 up to 28 weeks. Abortion allowed if 4 conditions are met; Mother’s life is at risk There is a risk to mother’s mental or physical health There is a risk to the mental or physical health of other children The baby may have serious handicap The law was changed in 1990 to allow abortions up to 24 weeks. Crucial issue for people is “When does life begin?” Conception Some other point in pregnancy When the baby is capable of surviving outside the womb. The number of abortions carried out in 1999 was 177,000 20 – 30 million legal abortions are made worldwide each year 1 in 3 women will have an abortion by the time they are 45 Abortion is still illegal in Chile, Vatican City and Malta 14
Some Arguments In Favour Of Abortion A woman should have the right to choose for herself whether or not to have a child – it is her body. Many people argue that life does not begin until the moment of birth – so abortion is not murder. If a woman has been raped, she should not be forced to have a child. The parents may not be able to care properly for a child – surely it is better to have an abortion than bring an unloved child into the world. 15
Some Arguments Against Abortion It is murder. Some religious people argue that life begins at conception and so should not be ended by anyone other than God. If a woman is not able to care for a child properly, she should not get pregnant in the first place. We have excellent contraception now – people should use this if they do not want a child. There are alternatives to abortion – ADOPTION!!! 16
Life after death Complete the sentences: Christians have ___different attitudes to abortion: Some Christians believe that abortion is always ______ because it is murder and against God’s will. Some Christians believe that abortion is wrong, but must be allowed in some circumstances as the ___________ evils.
Christians have different attitudes to abortion: Some Christians believe that abortion is always wrong because it is murder and against God’s will. Some Christians believe that abortion is wrong, but must be allowed in some circumstances as the lesser of two evils. ‘The lesser of the two evils’ means when you are faced with a choice where whatever you choose will be wrong, but one choice will be less wrong. Sanctity of life the belief that life is sacred and belongs to God.
Roman Catholics and many Evangelical Protestants believe abortion is always wrong because: there are Christian teachings on the sanctity of life God has created life in the mother and to prevent that life being born is murder and against God’s will they believe that life begins at conception and, as God banned murder in the sixth commandment, all abortions should be banned. Other Protestants (e.g. the Church of England) disagree with abortion, but think that in certain circumstances it is necessary to choose the lesser of two evils and so abortion must be allowed. Although they would prefer there to be no abortion, they realise that there would be too much suffering if abortion were banned. They have these views because: they do not believe that life begins at conception they believe Jesus’ command to love your neighbour is the most important command they believe it is the duty of Christians to remove suffering they believe that when faced with a choice between two evils, Christians should choose the lesser evil.
Euthanasia 20
Definitions of Euthanasia Euthanasia: the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. Voluntary euthanasia: When the person who is killed has requested to be killed. Non-voluntary: When the person who is killed made no request and gave no consent. Assisted suicide: Someone provides an individual with the information, guidance, and means to take his or her own life with the intention that they will be used for this purpose 21
Laws around the world There are few countries around the world in which euthanasia is legal. There are just 3 countries in Europe where it is: Belgium, Netherlands and Switzerland. 22
What is the law in Britain at the moment? At present, all forms of euthanasia is illegal in this country. Suicide is legal but assisted suicide is not. This is to dissuade people as this is not morally accepted in this country. 23
ARGUMENTS AGAINST EUTHANASIA ARGUMENTS FOR EUTHANASIA We put ill animals to sleep because it is more humane, we should be able to do the same with humans It costs a lot of money to look after terminally ill patients People should be able to choose for themselves when to end their life if they are in a lot of pain Someone in great pain is not LIVING – this is not LIFE ARGUMENTS AGAINST EUTHANASIA We can good drugs now to help control pain Euthanasia is just a fancy name for MURDER When people ask for euthanasia they’re often depressed or in the wrong state of mind If it is allowed some elderly people might feel presurized into it Life is not ours to take away – we can’t just end it What if a doctor is wrong about a person’s condition – it happens! 24
Christianity: the arguments against Euthanasia Life is a gift from God that should not be destroyed. One of the 10 commandments is “thou shall not kill”. God is in everyone and every living thing. If you harm a living thing, you harm God. 25
Social facts and the Christian view All Christians oppose the practice of euthanasia because: They believe that life is sacred and should only be taken by God The Bible says quite clearly that Christians must not murder (sixth commandment) There are many statements in the Bible which say that life and death decisions only belong to God. Many Church leaders have said that life is sacred and comes from God, therefore only God can decide when someone should die Christians believe that doctors are required to save lives, not kill, and to allow them to kill people would be giving them double standards to follow 26
Islam Role of the extended family to care for the sick/elderly Life created by Allah – with a plan Life is a test – everything for a reason Should not seek an easy way out of suffering Suicide/ Euthanasia not listed in Shariah law as acceptable reasons for taking life Muhammad taught that suicide would not be shown mercy on judgement day
MEDIA AND LIFE AFTER DEATH Media is the plural for medium, it refers to all forms of communication whether written spoken or printed. Religions uses media to make important statements for matters of life and death as abortion, euthanasia, transplants, genetic engineering, cloning and fertility treatment. Should the media be free to criticize these religious views on such issues?
Key Information Keyword: Freedom of expression Excommunication Religious hatred Act of 2007 Double tick Keywords you can explain, tick those you know and put a cross on those you’ve never come across
After watching the extract Of the riot can you identify the complaints Do you think the demonstrators are right to manifest? Why not?