Module: Cartography & Visualization Map Design & Layout TEMPUS PROJECT GEM TEMPUS AT-TEMPUS-JPCR Osh Technological University Kochkonbaeva Buazhar TEMPUS PROJECT GEM TEMPUS AT-TEMPUS-JPCR Osh Technological University
Choosing a Map Size Elements of a map composition The Design Filter Planar Organization of Visual Elements The Map Design Process “Map Design and Layout”
Common Mapping Sizes Letter ” x 11” Legal ” x 14” Ledger ” x 17” USGS Quad ” x 30” “2x3” ” x 36” “3x4” ” x 48” “Map Design and Layout”
Standard Media Sizes “Map Design and Layout” ANSI Size InchesA 8.5 x 11 "Letter" B 11 x 17 "Tabloid" C 17 x 22 D 22 x 34 E 34 x 44
Page Orientation Landscape “Map Design and Layout” Portrait
Changing Page Size & Orientation in ArcMap
Title and Subtitle Legend Scale Bar Inset Map Credit Note Date Logo North Arrow Elements of a Map Composition “Map Design and Layout” Mapped and Unmapped Areas Borders and Neatlines Graticules and Grids Map Symbols Place Names and Labeling
Map Layout
Title ► What ► Where ► When Titles are important map elements, and type size should be two to three times the size of the type on the map itself. A subtitle, in smaller type, is appropriate for longer titles or more complex map subjects.
Title - Usually draws attention by virtue of its dominant size; serves to focus attention on the primary content of the map; may be omitted where captions are provided but are not part of the map itself.
Adding Titles in ArcMap
Legends The legend is the graphic guide that you provide to your audience. You do not always need to provide symbols for all of the information used in your maps.
Legend - The principal symbol- referent description on the map; subordinate to the title, but a key element in map reading; serves to describe all unknown symbols used.
Adding Legends in ArcMap
Scale Large scale maps should always include a scale. Maps that inform the user about differences in distance or area should also include a scale. Small scale maps may not need a scale, as scale varies greatly with world or continental projections. Verbal and visual scales make more sense to the average reader. Include a visual scale if the map will be reprinted or resized.
Map Scale - Usually included on a thematic map; it provides the reader with important information regarding linear relations on the map; can be graphic, verbal, or expressed as an RF.
More on Map Scale “Map Design and Layout” Map scale is a unit of measurement on the map related to the appropriate number of same units on the Earth’s surface and is usually stated as a representative fraction. For example: 1/24,000 or 1:24,000 scale One (1) unit on the map represents 24,000 units on the ground (1 inch = 24,000 inches which equates to 1 inch = 2000 feet).
Adding Scale in ArcMap
Inset Maps
Inset Map or Location Diagram – This informs the map user of the context of the map, i.e. the big picture. This will keep the user from having to guess the location of the map.
Adding Inset Maps in ArcMap
Locator Maps
Adding Locator Maps in ArcMap
Explanatory Text
Sources and Credits
Informational or Credit Note - Can Include the map’s data source, an indication of their reliability, dates, and other explanatory material.
Date – Use if the time of a map’s publication is a factor. This may also work well as part of the Sub-title.
Adding Explanatory Text in ArcMap ► Text tools in ArcMap could be better ► Insert Text from the menu has very limited options ► Instead use the text tools on the draw menu (see below) ► Use New Rectangle Text tool if you want text wrapping
Company Identifier or Logo – Take credit where credit’s due. Make sure to use a high quality logo, especially for partnering agencies.
Directional Indicator
Indicating Direction in ArcMap change map N orientation in data frame properties
“Map Design and Layout” Borders and Neatlines - Both optional; borders can serve to restrain eye movement; neatlines are finer lines than borders, drawn inside them and often rendered as part of the graticule; used mostly for decoration. Elements of a Map Composition
Adding Borders in ArcMap
- Often omitted from thematic maps today; should be included if their locational information is crucial to the map’s purpose; usually treated as background or secondary information. Grids show the same information, but display it across the body of the map and not just along the neatline. “Map Design and Layout” Graticules and Grids
Adding Grids & Graticules in ArcMap Grids& Graticules are added in the data frame properties Coordinate values will be added to the boundary of map
Tasks for students Map design and layout Goals: To learn about map design principles in order to make maps that function well for their intended purpose. Objectives: When you are finished this lab you should gain the following: Mapping Science knowledge: You will learn about map design and the elements that are typically added to a map including: TitlesLegends Explanatory text, source statements Inset and locator maps Scale Directional Indicators Neat lines and borders Grids and Graticules ArcGIS skills: You will learn how to add each of the above map elements to a map layout (for example: about setting the map scale) about setting the map scaleabout setting the map scale You will especially learn how to manipulate the data frame properties where much of these elements are implemented. Deliverables: You are responsible to create an 11X17 map of a country of your choosing that has 3 different map views: 1) political, 2) population, and 3) physical. You are also required to have all the elements added to the map listed on the required elements. Task: Create a map layout of a country Kyrgyzstan.
Thank you for your attention!