Monday’s Warm Up Take out novel and read for 20 minutes Answer the following questions on a note card: 1.What is the Lexile Level of your book? 2.How many pages are in your book? How many have you read? 3. Are you reading at least 30 minutes every day? If no, why not. 4. When is the next Reading Counts Quiz due?
Good/Bad Habits Essay Write an essay detailing your good and bad habits. Essay Requirements: *Introductory Paragraph *Body Paragraphs *Conclusion
Elements of an Introductory Paragraph Hook See handout Bridge Background information Thesis Statement Main idea of the essay
Sample Introductory Paragraph Sean Covey states in his best selling novel, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, “We become what we repeatedly do.” If this is true, it is necessary for me to make sure that I am creating habits that benefit me in some way. Yes, I have some habits that I have been reluctant to change, but I can honestly say that most of my habits are decent. Hook Bridge Thesis Statement
1 st Body Paragraph Procrastination is my worst enemy. If I had a dollar for every time I put off completing an assignment, I would probably be a millionaire. Just last week, I had an essay due in Mrs. Henderson’s class. We had two weeks to work on this essay, but I waited until the night before it was due to complete it. Unfortunately, I got a “C” on my paper. I would like to say that this has cured me of being such a procrastinator, but it has not.
Additional Body Paragraph Effective Topic Sentences: Starting today, I am going to make every effort to stop putting important items off. I will not let procrastination get the best of me. Every night before I go to bed, I make sure that I am prepared for the next day. This is one habit that I possess that makes me a student with all A’s and B’s. I have been struggling with the not listening and talking too much in class. When I was in the 6 th grade, I rarely spoke in class, but now in the 8 th grade, I find myself talking way too much. Topic SentenceSupporting detail/Specific Example