Cumulative Impact Isolated Impact Collective Impact A group working towards the same outcome, Looking at student level data, To continuously improve practices Individual practioners working on related issues Collecting qualitative and quantitative data To demonstrate impact with individual students A group working on the same issue, Sharing program level data To identify best practices and align efforts Collaborative Action Coordinated Action Individual Action © Strive 2012
A Partnership is in the Systems Change Gateway and sees indicators improving. Proof Point ExploringEmergingSustainingSystems Change Shared Community Vision Geographic Scope Leadership Table Vision/ Mission Key Messaging Baseline Report Roles/ Responsibilities Annual Progress Report Consistent Messaging Shared Accountability Withstand Leadership Change Evidence Based Decision Making Outcomes Indicators Baseline Data Collection Disaggregated Data Indicator Refinement Connection of Academic & Non Academic Data Timely Data Sharing for Continuous Improvement Collaborative Action Continuous Improvement Commitment Collaborative Action Networks Action to Move Outcomes Opportunities & Barriers Addressed Spread What Works For Children and Youth Investment & Sustainability Anchor Entity/ Backbone Functions Funder Engagement Management Capacity Financial Support Community Mobilization Aligned Resources Advocacy Policy Changes Multiyear Funding Commitment THEORY OF CHANGE STRIVE TOGETHER THEORY OF ACTION
Marin Promise Outcomes The Marin Promise Partnership Council commits to accelerating the closure of Marin’s educational opportunity gaps by holding ourselves accountable, sharing knowledge and working together over time to achieve measurable results
Partnership Council 10,000 Degrees Kim Mazzuca | President California Teachers Association Michelle Crncich Hodge | Teacher Canal Alliance Tom Wilson | Executive Director County of Marin: Housing Authority Lewis Jordan | Executive Director Discovery Museum & Center for Childhood Creativity Karyn Flynn |President/ CEO Dominican University of California Hanna Rodriguez-Farrar Senior Assistant to the President Education, Excellence, Equity Juan Carlos Arauz | Executive Director Marin Child Care Council Aideen Gaidmore | Executive Director Marin City Community Dev. Corp. Liz Darby | Interim Director Marin Community Foundation Sandra Nathan | VP for Programs Marin County School Volunteers Bob Rosenberg | Board Chair Marin Organizing Committee Cristina Garcia | Parent Marin Housing Authority Lewis Jordan| Executive Director MarinKids Cecilia Zamora | Leadership Committee Marin City Community Services District Jonathan Logan | Executive Director North Bay Leadership Council Cynthia Murray | Executive Director Novato Youth Center Cheryl Paddack | Executive Director San Geronimo Valley Community Center Dave Cort |Executive Director Parent Services Project Amy Rankin-Williams | Executive Director Promotores Cindy Flores | Parent San Rafael City Schools District Michael Watenpaugh | Superintendent Sausalito/Marin City School District Steve Van Zant | Superintendent Shoreline Unified School District Tom Stubbs | Superintendent Southern Marin K-8 Districts Valerie Pitts | Superintendent Tamalpais Union High School District Laurie Kimbrel | Superintendent United Way of the Bay Area Anne Wilson | CEO CO-CHAIRS College of Marin David Wain Coon | President Marin County School Boards Association Monica Bonny | Former Trustee Marin County School Boards Association Josh Barrow | Trustee Novato Unified School District Shalee Cunningham | Superintendent
Critical Milestones Data Overview
Enroll in College or Post-Secondary programs (80%) By September 1, 2018, 80% of all Marin County students from all underrepresented population groups will enroll into college or a post-secondary program
Baseline: In 2012, 76 percent of Marin County’s high school class enrolled in a post-secondary program
Significant achievement gaps persist across ethnicities.
Strategy to Close the Gap By September 1, 2018, 80% of all Marin County students from all underrepresented population groups will enroll into college or a post-secondary program Affordable Test Preparation Financial Aid College Application Support
Financial Aid Workshop at NUSD
Short Term Goal: By Sept. 1, 2015, increase the percent of seniors at Novato High School who complete financial aid applications from 61% in the previous year to 70% in 2015 Sample Data Examined by Action Team
Collaborative Action Networks Promote collaborative action Use social and political capital or positional authority to align resources behind the adopted outcomes Represent essential perspectives in the community, Provide access to data or students Backbone Team Collaborative Action Planning Recruit, organize and support networks, Governance Team, and Partnership Council. Provides Data and Facilitation for Collaborative Action Networks Partnership Council Assemble Network Partners Review Data Discuss Alignment opportunities Create Collaborative Action Plan Review and Analyze Data. Convene to focus on a specific education outcome Review local and national data, & experience Identify shared action (i.e. – policy, practice, training) to move outcome Develop a plan to implement identified action Continuously track & improve the plan Marin Promise Structure