Office of Special Education UPDATES MAASE June 12, 2013
WHAT’s COMING? OSEP is accepting comments until June 14, 2013, on proposed FFY 2013-FFY 2018 Part C State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report at
WHAT’s COMING? Publications Coming June 14 – Public Reports on the Annual Performance Reports by ISD on the MDE web site.
WHAT’s COMING? Monitoring 21 districts participated in spring on- site monitoring visits for Indicator 5. Results of monitoring activity will be available in the September 15, 2013 workbook.
WHAT’s COMING? Finance State Aid R3014 Reports that show State Aid distribution for Section 52 and 53 costs will be posted on the OSE web site at the end of June 2013, and not mailed SE-4096 will not be mailed – the form will be available on the OSE web site at the end of July 2013
WHAT’s COMING? Finance Estimated Early On Allocations are posted on the MDE web site amounts reflect the 5% reduction due to sequestration and adjustment due to population change
WHAT’s COMING? Data Collection Data Quality Notices for Initial IEP, Discipline, and Timely IEPS will be sent out mid-June. Districts have reported that the data in the Strand Report in CIMS are incorrect Data are two years old – change data during the appeals process as stated in note sent by CEPI
WHAT’s COMING? Early Childhood Special Education ECSE Results Transmittals for Indicator B7 are due by June 15, 2013 ECSE Part B of IDEA, Section 619 data collection is ongoing in the MSDS MSDS End-of-Year General Collection is due July 1,
DID YOU KNOW? General Supervision Monitoring (GSM) ensures that educational programs for students with disabilities follow federal and state standards Districts are selected on a three year cycle Each ISD will have at least one district engaged in GSM once every three years
DID YOU KNOW? Incorrect student data will not be used for Federal reporting. Review your reports within MSDS to be sure ALL students served are counted!
DID YOU KNOW? Early Childhood Special Education A webinar - Understanding Early Childhood Special Education Outcome Data can be found at:
S UPCOMING LEARING OPPORTUNITIES National Alliance for Medicaid in Education, (NAME) October 8-11, 2013 in Grand Rapids at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel – registration is now open If interested in doing a breakout presentation contact Jane Reagan at 12
HOT TOPIC MEDICAID There is only 1 ISD whose Medicaid settlement/payment for school year still in process. There are 8 ISDs whose initial payments are still outstanding.
HOT TOPIC Districts continue to hear of Medicaid Health Plans “just saying NO” when a child needs out-patient therapies. There is an effort to resolve this matter. Medicaid does not cover every service requested by parents. If families are being told to go to their schools let Jane Reagan know at
UPDATES & REMINDERS June 15 – Responses to Results Transmittals must be submitted from April 15 workbook. June 30 – B-13 Secondary Transition Checklists must be submitted from the April 15 workbook.
UPDATES & REMINDERS Medicaid Implementer Meetings for – 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. at Ingham ISD August 27, 2013 November 12, 2013 March 11, 2014 May 20, 2014
UPDATES & REMINDERS MI-SER The following documents have been removed from the MI-SER and can be found on the OSE web site. Model Due Process Complaint/Request for Hearing Form Model Special Education State Complaint Form Procedures for Dispute Resolution Resolving Special Education Disputes: The MDE OSE Complaint Procedures Special Education Due Process Complaint Procedures
From The Director’s Desk
U.S.E.D. Guidance Allowable Use of Federal Funds Allowable Use of Federal Funds Communication from MDE Communication from MDE No Further Information No Further Information Expecting Further Guidance from OSEP Expecting Further Guidance from OSEP
ESEA Reauthorization Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) “Strengthening America’s Schools Act,” test students in math and reading in grades 3-8 and once in high school. lowering “n-size” for reporting and accountability purposes to 15 adopt “college- and career-ready standards” like Common Core identify “priority” and “focus” schools and interventions require evaluations of teachers and principals based in part on student performance report cross-tabulated data disaggregated according to the same “subgroups”
ESEA Reauthorization Lamar Alexander (R-TN) “Every Child Ready for College or Career Act” dramatically shrink the scope of federal accountability. no annual percentage targets or undertake specific intervention encourage, but not require teacher evaluation systems revamp the waiver provisions of ESEA to prohibit conditional waivers eliminate federal MOE test students in math &reading in grades 3-8 and once in high school report cross-tabulated data disaggregated according to the same “subgroups”
ESEA Reauthorization John Kline (R-MN) “Student Success Act” based largely on the three “piecemeal” bills students tested in grades 3-8 and once in high school, states would have to disseminate disaggregated achievement data design their own systems for accountability and intervention eliminating Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) scrap Highly Qualified Teacher requirements Eliminate 70 programs and consolidate others
ConnectED President’s Plan for: Connecting All Schools to the Digital Age Upgraded Connectivity Leveling the Playing Field for Rural Students Trained Teachers New Resources for Teachers Educational Devices for Students Exposing Students to Global Opportunities with New Technology Support for Digital Educational Content Restoring U.S. Leadership in Vital Areas
From The Director’s Desk The Division on Deaf and Hard of Hearing has posted their JCAR report and revised rules on their website. dcr/0,4613, _28545_ ,00.htmlhttp:// dcr/0,4613, _28545_ ,00.html 4.0 standard on the EIPA test.
From The Director’s Desk The Office of Regulatory Reinvention (ORR) submitted the administrative rules governing Special Education Programs and Services ( ED) to the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR). ORR may file the rules with the Secretary of State after 15 session days unless JCAR files a notice of objection
ESEA Flex Waiver Michigan Proposed Plan: Lowest 5% will remain on the Top to Bottom List Lowest 5% will remain on the Top to Bottom List Center-based programs will not be: Center-based programs will not be: Focus Focus Priority Priority Reward Reward
Critical Shortage List Autism Spectrum Disorder Audiologist Cognitive Impairment Deaf & Hard of Hearing Early Childhood Special Education Emotional Impairment Learning Disabilities Occupational Therapist Orientation & Mobility Physical Therapists Physical and Other Health Impairment School Psychologist Speech and Language Provider Speech and language Impairment Visual Impairment
Critical Shortage List Survey sent to ISD & LEA Special Education Directors Survey sent to ISD & LEA Special Education Directors Due Date June 7, 2013 Due Date June 7, 2013 Data needed to support reemployment or retirees for Data needed to support reemployment or retirees for
32 Kathleen Dopp
Significant Disproportionality Significant Disproportionality Presentation (May 2013) 2013 Significant Disproportionality List 32 LEAs 26 LEAs for Discipline 8 LEAs for Identification
Warning List Significant Disproportionality August Workbook Warning Letters for Significant Disproportionality
Warning List Significant Disproportionality Berrien RESA Berrien Springs Public Schools Lakeshore School District Cheb-Otsego-Presque Isle ESD Gaylord Community Schools Delta-Schoolcraft ISD Bark River-Harris School District
Warning List Significant Disproportionality Eaton ISD Charlotte Public Schools Genesee ISD Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools Grand Blanc Academy Genesee ISD Ingham ISD Lansing Public School District * Michigan Connections Academy Okemos Public Schools
Warning List Significant Disproportionality Ionia ISD Belding Area School District * Ionia Public Schools Lakewood Public Schools * Kalamazoo RESA Comstock Public Schools * Kalamazoo Public Schools * Kalamazoo RESA
Warning List Significant Disproportionality Kent ISD Byron Center Public Schools Lighthouse Academy (2 areas) Macomb ISD Chippewa Valley Schools Fraser Public Schools Lake Shore Public Schools Roseville Community Sc hools
Warning List Significant Disproportionality Oakland Schools Berkley School District (2 areas) Novi Community School District *+ Oxford Community Schools South Lyon Community Schools Walled Lake Consolidated Schools Ottawa Area ISD Allendale Public Schools Coopersville Area Public School District
Warning List Significant Disproportionality St Clair County RESA Port Huron Area School District Traverse Bay Area ISD Benzie County Central Schools *
Warning List Significant Disproportionality Wayne RESA Detroit School District Dr. Charles Drew Academy Ecorse Public Schools Grosse Pointe Public Schools * (2 areas) Hanley International Academy * (2 areas) Northville Public Schools Romulus Community Schools South Redford School District + Southgate Community School District The Dearborn Academy Wyandotte District
Warning List Significant Disproportionality West Shore ESD Hart Public School District Education Achievement Syst em