XST Synthesis Options
Welcome If you are new to FPGA design, this module will help you use XST to synthesize your design optimally These synthesis techniques promote fast and efficient FPGA design development
Objectives After completing this module, you will be able to: Describe an approach to using XST synthesis options to obtain higher performance and gain timing closure Use XST to get the most out of your HDL
Timing Closure
Synthesis Options These are the most helpful XST synthesis options that can help you obtain your performance and area objectives –Synthesis Constraints (Timing-driven synthesis) –FSM Encoding –Register Balancing –Register Duplication –Keep Hierarchy –Resource Sharing These options were covered in the Synthesis Options Video
Synthesis Options –Most common options HDL Options –Coding style dependent options Xilinx Specific Options –Architecture specific options
XCF Timing Constraints The XCF file should be placed in your project directory and the location specified –Note…if you are not going to use timing constraints for synthesis, it is recommended that you use the Global Optimization setting All Clock Nets…optimizes paths between registers Offset In Before…input paths Offset Out After…output paths Input to Output Pad…combinatorial paths Max Delay…(all of the above)
XCF Timing Constraints Period –NET netname PERIOD = value [{HIGH | LOW} value]; Offset In/Out –OFFSET = {IN | OUT} offset_time [units] {BEFORE | AFTER} clk_name [TIMEGRP group_name]; For more information about the basics of timing constraints, refer to the Global Timing Constraints Video Do not over-constrain your design
XST Switches LUT Combining –Recall that the 6-input LUT is actually two 5-input LUTs –XST looks for functions that use the same five inputs and tries to pair them –Recommended for Virtex-5, Spartan-6, and Virtex-6 architectures Reduce Control Sets –XST will use LUT resources instead of CE and synchronous SET/RESET –All four flip-flops in one slice share the same CE, SET, and RESET (control set) –Too many different control sets limits packing –Recommended for Virtex-5, Spartan-6, and Virtex-6 architect ures
XST Features Inference of SRL for shift register with set/reset –XST uses SRL resources if the HDL description contains a single asynchronous, synchronous set, or synchronous reset signal –This will require extra logic, because SRL does not support a set or reset functionality –Inference is done if the shift register has at least four stages For more information about properly coding your control signals to get optimum results, please review the Virtex-6 and Spartan-6 HDL Coding Techniques Video
XST Synthesis Options Optimization Goal Optimization Effort Use Synthesis Constraints File –Specify constraint filename Optimization Goal Write Timing Constraints (Export Constraints)
XST HDL Options FSM Encoding Algorithm and Safe Implementation Case Implementation Style RAM, ROM, and Multiplexer Extraction and Style Shift Register and Logical Shifter Extraction Resource Sharing
XST Xilinx Specific Options Add I/O Buffers Max Fanout and Register Duplication Equivalent Register Removal Register Balancing Move First and Last Flip-Flop Stage Pack Registers into IOBs
Design Goals and Strategies Easy way to set multiple synthesis properties Choose a design goal and strategy which maps to a collection of settings* –Balanced, Minimum Run-time, Power Optimization, Timing Performance A strategy is a specific set of settings associated with a goal Some settings are fixed within a strategy and others can be altered
Effects of Design Goals Note the Lock symbol –Indicates that this setting is governed by the Design Goal and Strategy settings and cannot be changed without changing the Strategy Unlocked settings can be changed Notice that the property display level is set to Advanced
Best Strategy (1) Use the standard XST Synthesis Options that best suit your design (2) Use XCF Timing Constraints during synthesis (3) Enable packing registers into IOB –Best aid for I/O timing (4) Use the Reduce Control Sets option −Requires optimum HDL coding −Supports Virtex-6 and Spartan-6 (5) Use the Design Goals and Strategy
Summary The basics still apply –Your HDL coding style can affect synthesis results –Infer resources whenever possible –Use synchronous design techniques –Don’t forget to analyze each synthesis result for logic inference and timing Take advantage of the synthesis options provided to help you meet your timing objectives –Just like we covered in the Synthesis Options Video Use timing constraints during synthesis to achieve higher performance Use the Reduce Control Sets option Pack registers into IOBs Last option to consider is the Design Goals and Strategies
Where Can I Learn More? Software Manuals –Start Xilinx ISE Design Suite 12.1 ISE Design Tools Documentation Software Manuals –This includes the Synthesis & Simulation Design Guide This guide has example inferences of many architectural resources –XST User Guide HDL language constructs, coding recommendations, and synthesis options –Constraints Guide All Synthesis and Implementation constraints Xilinx Education Services courses – Xilinx tools and architecture courses Hardware description language courses Basic HDL Coding Techniques, Spartan-6 and Virtex-6 Coding Techniques and other Free Videos!
Recommended REL Modules Additional FREE video-based trainings are available for you to improve your HDL coding style –Basic HDL Coding Techniques Design guidelines (good design practices) Best ways to pipeline your design Finite State Machine design –Virtex-6 and Spartan-6 HDL Coding Techniques Coding for hardware resources SRL, multiplexers, carry logic, and GSR Coding to reduce your design size and improve your speed Managing your control signals (sets, resets, clocks, clock enables) Block RAM and DSP slice
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