How was Luna formed and how does she affect and interact with both Earth and Sol?
AGENDA Introduction to Moon Formation & Origin Theories of Moon How do the Moon, Earth and Sun Interact
FACTS ABOUT MOON (LATIN: LUNA) Moon is ¼ the Earth’s diameter Surface divided into 2 major regions: Highlands and Maria Formed 4.5 billions years ago Rotates in 27.3 days No atmosphere
THE FIVE MAJOR THEORIES OF THE FORMATION OF THE MOON Fission Capture Accretion Colliding Planetesimals Ejected Ring or Giant Impactor
Theory proposed by Darwin Based on fast-spinning primordial earth Earth spun and flattened that it ejected a large piece of material Pacific Ocean basin is the most popular site on Earth THEORY: FISSION
THEORY : CAPTURE Ring of dust around the Earth slows down Luna, which has already formed, allowing it to be captured into Earth’s gravitational field.
THEORY: ACCRETION States that the earth and the moon accreted at the same time out of the same nebular material In this theory, the proto- moon drew material out of the same nebular cloud as the earth in the same relative location as result, the two should be very similar in composition
Hypothesizes that the Moon condensed from the debris of planetesimaly sized objects that collided during the formation of the solar system THEORY : COLLIDING PLANETESIMALS
Hypothesizes that the moon was formed when a planetesimal the size of mars struck the earth, thereby ejected large volumes of matter from the earth. Disk of orbiting material ejected from the collision eventually condensed to form our moon in its orbit around the Earth. THE LEADING THEORY: GIANT IMPACT
Moon, Earth and the Sun Luna interacts with the Earth and Sun through: Lunar Phases Eclipse
Phases of the moon are determined by; Different parts of the Earth-facing side of the Moon are illuminated by the Sun. Revolution of moon around the earth. ½ of the Moon is always illuminated by the Sun. side of the Moon ● ½ Moon is always illuminated d LUNAR PHASES
When the Moon’s shadow covers part of the Earth e Moon ● ½ Moon is always illuminated ECLIPSES Solar Eclipse : Moon moves in a line directly between Earth and the Sun. Occurs during New Moon. Lunar Eclipse : Moon moves within Shadow of the Earth. Occurs during Full Moon.
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