Objective: To conduct usability and human factors testing on hearing aid device to assess if the required specifications are met. Specifications : Spe c #SourceSpecification Directio n Units of measureMarginalIdealNotesDRI S9 CN2, CN4, CN11 Range of adult ear size accommodated maxpercentile 25th to 75th 10th to 90th Use ANSUR database to obtain dimensions corresponding to theses percentiles ISE S10 CN4, CN6, CN10, CN11 Weight of earpieceming<15<12 marginal values will depend on ergonomic info ISE S14CN3 Percent of surveyed people who identify a picture of the device as something other than a hearing aid. maxpercent>60>80 team should conduct surveys ID S15CN3 Percent of surveyed hard of hearing people who prefer the form of the new device to standard behind the ear hearing aids maxpercent>50>75 team should conduct surveys ID S16CN3 Percent of surveyed hearing people who would use the device for Bluetooth or music listening maxpercent>50>70 team should conduct surveys ID S17CN11 Percent of surveyed people who feel the device is comfortable to wear maxpercent>60>80 team should conduct surveys ID
Specifications 9, 10 Range of adult ear size accommodated Final design will be measured to ensure dimensions fall with in the 5%-95% percentile Weight of earpiece Final prototype will be weighed to ensure it’s weight is below 15 grams
Specification #9 ANSUR Database provided 5 th percentile Female and 95 th percentile Male ear dimensions All units in mm 5% Female95% Male
Statistical Analysis Results Designing for small ears: 17 mm for Ear Protrusion 54 mm Ear length Designing for Medium to Large ears: 30 mm for Ear Protrusion 72 mm Ear length
SPECIFICATIONS Two Surveys: Small Group Imagine-RIT
Small Group Survey Small heuristics study of 5-6 students between the ages of Evaluators can be either Hearing or Hard of Hearing students Incentive for participating in survey will be granted to evaluators (Javas Tokens) Data collected will be confidential
Procedure Conduct one on one interview with each participant for a maximum of 20 minutes Each participate will be ask to wear a non-functional prototype and perform a set of tasks such as walking with device, adjusting volume etc. A Likert system will be used to rank satisfaction of each question
ImagineRIT Survey ImagineRIT visitors who are at least 18 or older will be allowed to participate in this survey Each participate will be ask to wear a non-functional prototype and perform a set of tasks such as adjusting volume/profiles etc. A Likert system will be used to rank their response for each question.
Survey Questions Each question will reference a function on the device to evaluate basic usability standards: Flexibility and efficiency of use Aesthetic and minimalist design User Control and freedom Recognition rather than recall
Sample Questions Please mark how satisfied you are with the hearing aid device for each situation: Overall comfort/fit Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied, Very Dissatisfied Ease of adjusting volume Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied, Very Dissatisfied Visibility of hearing aid Very satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied, Very Dissatisfied Main Menu Home Our People History Process Benefits Consumer Page Customer Survey Testimonials News Presentations Pricing Purchase Contact Us Visit us on Facebook Ear Trak
Statistics For Analyzing Data Ordinal data will be tested for independence and association using the following methods: At an α= 0.05 Frequency Distribution/Cross Tabulation Kendall tau B or C Chi-square test for Association