Waste Heat Recovery – Technologies and Opportunities in the Industrial sector Pradeep Kumar Dadhich, PhD Director| GUIDe - Energy and Resources Deloitte.


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Presentation transcript:

Waste Heat Recovery – Technologies and Opportunities in the Industrial sector Pradeep Kumar Dadhich, PhD Director| GUIDe - Energy and Resources Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Private Limited

Three Essential Components are required for Waste Heat Recovery

Barriers and Research, Development, and Demonstration Needs Identified for Promoting Waste Heat Recovery Practices 1)Costs 2)Temperature Restrictions 3)Chemical Composition 4)Application specific Constraints 5)Inaccessibility/Transportability

Costs Long Payback Periods Material Constraints and Costs Economies-of-Scale Operation and Maintenance Costs

Temperature restrictions Lack of a Viable End Use Material Constraints and Costs High temperature Low temperature Thermal cycling Heat Transfer Rates

Chemical Composition Temperature Restrictions Heat Transfer Rates Material Constraints and Costs Operation and Maintenance Costs Environmental Concerns Product/Process Control

Application-specific Constraints Process-specific Constrains Product/ Process Control

Inaccessibility/Transportability Limited Space Transportability Inaccessibility

Research, Development, and Demonstration Needs for Addressing Waste Heat Recovery Barriers

Examples of Waste Heat Sources and End-Uses

Furnace Efficiency Increases with Combustion Air Preheat Furnace Outlet Temperature Combustion Air Preheat Temperature 204°C 316°C 427°C 538°C 649°C 1,427°C22%30%37%43%48% 1,316°C18%26%33%38%43% 1,204°C16%23%29%34%39% 1,093°C14%20%26%31%36% 982°C13%19%24%29%33% 871°C11%17%22%26%30% 760°C10%16%20%25%28%

Factors Affecting Waste Heat Recovery Feasibility 1)heat quantity 2)heat temperature/quality a.Heat Exchanger Area Requirements b.Maximum Efficiency for Power Generation c.Temperature and Material Selection 3)composition 4)minimum allowed temperature 5) operating schedules, availability, and other logistics

Heat Exchanger Area Requirements

Maximum Efficiency for Power Generation: Carnot Efficiency

Temperature Classification of Waste Heat Sources and Related Recovery Opportunity

Constraints on Energy Efficient Technology Deployment Consumers needs reliable information to make informed decisions Benchmarks for energy efficiency Lack of energy performance rating tools Supply Chain Issues & Constraints Availability of Trained manpower Institutional barriers Policy Framework (local, regional, national) Financing options Regulatory Framework Smart Grid Building energy efficiency Waste heat utilization HVAC technologies Supply side efficiency 16 FavorableNeutralUnfavorable Summary of the constraints and key dependencies

Energy Efficient Technologies in India - Stages of Market Development Stages of EE Market Development Boilers Smart Grid VFD/Drives EE motors HVAC Waste to Energy Solar Thermal Biomass Combustion Energy efficient buildings tech. Clean coal technologies RE Technologies Evolution Key Policy & Regulatory Drivers Grants Carbon Trading PAT/Ecerts Tax Incentives, Accelerated Depreciation, Capital Subsidy Key Financing & Supply Chain Activities Demonstration Projects Scale Up & Supply Chain Consolidation ESCO Project Development PPP models Investments in Equipment Manufacturing Balance Sheet/ Project Financing Utility financing Venture Capital Investments Project Financing Technology DevelopmentMarket IncubationMarket CommercializationMarket maturity DSM framework Heat Exchangers Compressors Led Lighting Pumps EE Lighting solutions PE Investments Public procurement system Thermal storage

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