Your Small Grant Funding Options Lynn Leadbeatter
Awards for All Grants of £300-£10k People have better chances in life with better access to training and development to improve life skills Stronger communities with more active citizens working together to tackle issues Improved rural and urban environments which communities are better able to access and enjoy Healthier and more active people and communities
Awards for All – not funded Ongoing staff costs Day-to-day running costs Existing activities or repeat/regular events (unless there is development or three years since last taken place) Building/refurbishments costing more than £25k Sports, arts and heritage projects (unless they just use these themes to meet Awards for All criteria)
Awards for All – Assessment Evidence of need Involve as many people as possible Meet more outcomes Organisation not previously funded Small annual income Small project
Sport England Small Grants Grants of £300-£10k Enhance sporting experience for current participants Increase participant numbers Priority 1: Increasing the number of adults participating in moderate intensity sports Priority 2: Reducing the drop-off rates for 16- to 19-year-olds New activity, new costs, new sporting benefit
Sport England Small Grants – not funded General running costs Regular events and existing activities Construction or refurbishment work Temporary buildings and land improvement Fixed capital items eg goals, nets rants
Heritage Lottery Fund – Your Heritage Grants of £300-£50k Help people to learn about their and other people’s heritage and either or both of the following: Conserve the UK’s diverse heritage for present and future generations to experience and enjoy Help more people, and a wider range of people, to take an active part in and make decisions about heritage
Your Heritage Oral history Buildings (not routine repairs) Archaeology Culture, tradition, languages and dialect Natural and designed landscapes Wildlife – habitats and species No salaries of existing staff Young Roots - £300-£25k for projects led by young people
Craven Trust Grants of £100-£1k Pre-1974 boundaries include Keighley, Oakworth, Denholme, Wilsden, Cullingworth Equipment, training, premises costs, set- up costs etc No animal charities Generally no running costs eg salaries
Shipley Community Chest Grants of up to £500 Community-based leisure/social/cultural activities One-off activities, equipment and capital costs Revenue costs only as start-up costs New and previously unfunded groups encouraged ng
Yapp Charitable Trust Grants of up to £3k pa for up to three years Registered charities only – at least three years old Core funding for activities that have been going on for at least a year Elderly people, children and young people aged 5-25, people with disabilities and mental health issues, moral welfare (eg addiction, abuse, offending) education and learning Prefers work with marginalised people
Allen Lane Foundation Grants of £500-£15k or up to £5k pa for up to three years Asylum seekers and refugees Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people Gypsies and travellers Migrant workers Offenders and ex-offenders Older people People experiencing mental health problems People experiencing violence and abuse
Allen Lane Foundation Start-up, core or project costs Make a lasting difference Reduce isolation, stigma and discrimination Encourage unpopular groups to share in the life of the community Long list of exclusions
Santander Foundation Grants of up to £10k Charitable status only Education and training Financial capability Average grant £4k No capital appeals, single ethnic groups
Near Neighbours Fund Grants of £250-£5k Create first encounters between people of different faith and ethnic communities and develop mutual understanding Create everyday interactions Create civic engagement Environmental, social, cultural, artistic and sporting projects
Tesco Charity Trust Small grants £500-£4k Children’s welfare and/or children’s education Elderly people and/or adults and children with disabilities Two funding rounds a year in each category munity_award_guidelines.pdf
Co-operative Membership Community Fund Grants of £100-£2k Address community issue Community benefit Support co-operative values and principles Ideally be innovative in approach No social enterprises, cadets, core activities of auxiliary groups eg Woodland Folk communities/community-fund/