Planning For the Future Exploring middle & high school options in Henrico County Tuckahoe Elementary Rebecca Ozmore & Shirley Ramsey
Planning Guide for Students and Parents Hard copy and online at ide.pdf ide.pdf A Program of Studies Grades
Why worry about this now? Choices about course selection in grade 6 can affect whether a student has the necessary prerequisites for admission to a high school specialty center, the International Baccalaureate Program, and the Maggie L. Walker Governor ’ s School. Choices about course selection in grade 6 can affect whether a student has the necessary prerequisites for admission to a high school specialty center, the International Baccalaureate Program, and the Maggie L. Walker Governor ’ s School. n Decisions about course selection in grade 6 can affect course selection through high school graduation.
What ’ s in the Planning Guide? n Educational Plan Worksheet n Diploma Options & Graduation Requirements n Advanced Placement and Dual Credit Courses n Eligibility for Athletics n Technical Programs n Specialty Centers n Course Descriptions n Directory Information
Academic & Career Plan n Pencil in courses that interest your child through graduation. n Remember this is a work in progress - this plan will change throughout the years.
Diploma Options & Graduation Requirements n Requirements based on the year the student enters 9th grade for the first time. u Standard Diplomas u Advanced Study Diplomas u Modified Standard Diplomas
Verified Credits n Verified Credits are awarded for successful completion of course requirements and achievement of a passing score on the SOL Test for that course. n Any course with an end-of-course SOL test is marked with a check mark in the course description section. n More information is available in the planning guide.
Standard Diploma n Requires 22 course credits and 6 verified credits. New: Complete 1virtual course. n Course credits include 4 English courses, 3 Math courses, 3 Laboratory Science courses, 3 History & Social Studies courses, 2 P.E. courses, 2 World Language/Fine Arts/Career Education/Technical Education Courses, 1 Economics and Personal Finance Course & 4 electives n Verified credits include 2 English tests, 1 Math test, 1 Laboratory Science test, 1 History or Social Studies test and 1 student selected end- of-course test.
Advanced Studies Diploma n Requires 26 course credits & 9 verified credits. n Course credits include 4 English courses, 4 Math courses, 4 Laboratory Science courses, 4 History & Social Studies courses, 3 World Language courses, 2 P.E. courses, 1 Fine Arts or Career and Technical Education course, 1 Economics and Personal Finance Course and 3 electives. n Verified credits include 2 English tests, 2 Math tests, 2 Science tests, 2 Social Studies tests &1 student selected end-of-course test.
Modified Standard Diploma n Requires 20 course credits. n Course credits include 4 English courses, 3 Math courses, 2 Science courses, 2 History & Social Studies courses, 2 P.E. courses, 1 Fine Arts or Career and Technical Education course and 6 electives. n Must pass the 8th grade English SOL test or pass the 11th grade English SOL test. n Must pass the 8th grade Math SOL test or earn a verified credit in high school math.
Advanced Placement and Advance College Academy n High School students are offered the opportunity to take advanced placement courses and take advanced placement exams which may award them college credit or advanced placement at participating universities. n Advance College Academy program allows student to earn an Associates Degree in Social Science (Tucker) or Business Adm. (Highland Springs) from J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College while earning an advanced studies high school diploma.
Career Paths &Technical Centers n Course selections offered for career clusters. n Programs offered at the Hermitage and Highland Springs Technical Centers are listed.
Specialty Centers Pages n Sample Curriculums and Course Descriptions are given for each Specialty Center Program, the IB Middle Years Program and the IB Diploma Program. n Please note the recommendations and requirements prior to enrollment listed below each sample curriculum.
Specialty Center Locations n Advance College Academies: Highland Springs and J.R. Tucker n Center for the Arts: Henrico n Center for Communications: Varina n Center for Education and Human Development: Glen Allen n Center for Engineering: Highland Springs n Center for the Humanities: Hermitage n Center for Information Technology: Deep Run n IB: Henrico and J.R. Tucker n Center for Leadership, Government and Global Economics: Freeman n Center for Science, Mathematics and Technology: Godwin n Center for World Languages: J.R. Tucker
Course Descriptions n Gives descriptions of courses offered in grades n Courses are grouped by subject. n Please note that not every course listed in this section is offered at every school.
Directory Information n Provides phone numbers for Educational Specialists, Specialty Centers, Technical Centers, Middle and High Schools and Administrative Staff for Instruction.
What do I need to know about Tuckahoe Middle School?
Where Will My Child Go? n All Tuckahoe Elementary students go to TMS n Three IB locations – Fairfield MS, Moody MS, Tuckahoe MS n IB attendance based on geographical area – all TES students attend TMS program site
Middle School Programs n International Baccalaureate is the only other separate program option for middle school n Students can be placed in advance courses for progression through middle school n Application to specialty centers and other high school programs is in eighth grade
Math Course Progressions n Math Course 1/Math Course 2/ Algebra 1 n Math Course 2/ Algebra 1/ Geometry n Math Course 1/ Math Course 2/ Math Course 3 u Progression for students needing further math skill development before taking Algebra 1
Helping Your Child Prepare for Middle School n Attend orientation and transition programs at TMS. n Take your child to fee night - posted on marquee the week before school opens. n Talk about your experiences with transition.