Psalm 10 Psalms for All Seasons Sung to: PENTECOST L.M. “Go, Labor On” Trinity Hymnal tune #584 CCLI #977558 1.


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1/3 I'll go where you want me to go
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#statetheobvious 1. God is God. 2. Sin is bad. 3. You are precious. 4. Jesus Forgives. 5. There will be an end. 6. All you do is trust.
Presentation transcript:

Psalm 10 Psalms for All Seasons Sung to: PENTECOST L.M. “Go, Labor On” Trinity Hymnal tune #584 CCLI #

When trouble looms on every side, When conflict dominates the day, When life presents no easy path, Lord, why do you seem far away? 2

From every plan which harms the poor, From schemes to victimize the weak, From those who snare the innocent, Lord, your defense, your help we seek. 3

The greed which never has enough, The boasts of haughty insolence, The words that threaten, lie or curse – Lord, keep us from such arrogance. 4

Some think that you are blind to sin; Some live as though you were not there; Some treat your justice with contempt; Lord, surely you both see and care! 5

You call the wicked to account; You champion the victim’s cause; You silence mortal taunts and threats; Lord, heav’n’s eternal throne is yours. 6