Wasatch County Fire Protection SSD Proposed Tax Increase
Tax Increase Process Public hearing in December 2012 noticed twice in the two weeks prior to the meeting. Public hearing in December 2012 noticed twice in the two weeks prior to the meeting. Public hearing on August noticed twice in two weeks prior to the meeting Public hearing on August noticed twice in two weeks prior to the meeting All notices regarding Wasatch County Fire District are posted on the Public Notice Website, the District website wasatchcountyfire.com and, when required by State statute, in the local newspaper.
Comparison To Surrounding Areas North Summit5.78 North Summit5.78 Utah County8.75 Utah County8.75 South Summit3.09 South Summit3.09 Park City Fire9.87 Park City Fire9.87 North Davis North Davis Pickleville4.25 Pickleville4.25 Weber County Weber County Randolph8.03 Randolph8.03 Wasatch County2.42 Wasatch County2.42 SOURCE: UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION
Average The average mill levy for fire districts in Utah is or 5.99 mills. With the proposed increase at 4.31 mills in Wasatch County it will still be lower than the average.
WCFD Certification Hours Fire 1……………………………..116 Fire 1……………………………..116 Fire 2…………………………….…48 Fire 2…………………………….…48 Hazmat Awareness……… Hazmat Awareness……… Hazmat Operations……………38 Hazmat Operations……………38 Wild land Fire 1…………… Wild land Fire 1…………… Extrication………………………..72 Extrication………………………..72 Apparatus Driver/Operator…72 Apparatus Driver/Operator…72 Fire Officer 1…………………….45 Fire Officer 1…………………….45 EMT Basic……………………….120 EMT Basic……………………….120 TOTAL HOURS…………560 TOTAL HOURS…………560
Contributing Factors Since the last tax increase 25 years ago, in 1988, the cost of living has increased approximately 75% and there has not been a cost of living build into the mill levy. Due to the nature of our community we receive extreme fluctuations in visitors that pass through and recreate in our valley creating a demand on emergency service resources. In order to maintain or lower our PPC classification we need to update to the new regulations for our personnel, and upgrade our equipment and apparatus to match the 142% growth that has occurred in Wasatch County since 1990.In order to maintain or lower our PPC classification we need to update to the new regulations for our personnel, and upgrade our equipment and apparatus to match the 142% growth that has occurred in Wasatch County since 1990.
What Will the Tax Increase Cost Me Per Year? Primary residence calculation Taxable Value Current Proposed Difference $150, $200, $250, $300, $40.26 $71.12 $30.86 The increase would cost a primary residence about $5.30 per $50, of value per year. Primary residences are taxed at a lower rate than secondary homes or commercial businesses. Your TAXABLE value can be found on your property tax notice.
1988 $150,000 Home Value FIRE TAX $30.00 Purchasing Power $30.00 Mill Levy 4.53 $300,000 Home Value FIRE TAX $30.00 Purchasing Power $15.20 Mill Levy IF APPROVED, THE MILL LEVY FOR 2013 WOULD BE 4.31
How will a tax increase benefit me? The vast majority of residents in Wasatch County will never experience a fire in their home or business, but all are affected by the cost of insurance. Aside from the obvious, the average property owner benefits in more ways than one from a well equipped, well staffed, and well trained fire organization. Fire departments have a positive impact on property insurance premiums. Insurance companies use figures provided by the ISO to determine the insurance rates for a community.
What is the ISO? Insurance premiums are based on the ISO or Insurance Services Office rating; with a great rating, the local fire department can be the reason you are getting a better rate on your insurance. Communities are assigned a Public Protection Classification from 1 to 10. A class 1 represents superior fire protection. The rating is based on what the firefighters can do as well as engines, trucks, the communities water supply and communication abilities.
The last ISO assessment of Wasatch County was in 2002, which set the PPC rating for the County at a 6 and 9 in outlying communities. With this tax increase we will work diligently to drop our ISO rating to a 4 or better, which would save the citizens close to the amount of the proposed tax increase.
Since the last assessment communications has added a second dispatcher and the water sources have been improved and updated throughout the county. The last apparatus WCFD was able to purchase was in 2007 and the oldest was purchased in The current average age of front line fire apparatus in Wasatch County is WCFD call volume has increased 20% every year since WCFD has responded to 519 calls in 2011 and 525 in This is the number of calls not the number of apparatus or personnel responding to each call. There are currently over 12,655 structures in Wasatch County with 290 that are 3 stories or higher, which out reaches the current aerial apparatus of the District. WCFD provides coverage to 1,191 square miles. This includes seven communities-Heber, Midway, Charleston, Daniel, Wallsburg, Independence, Hideout and the remainder of the county stretching to Soldier Summit on the South, Wolf Creek Pass on the North, Sundance on the West and Current Creek on the East. Current Status
HEBER STATION IMMEDIATE NEEDS- Remodel……..$1,600,000 Ladder Truck..$600,000
MIDWAY STATION IMMEDIATE NEEDS- New station……..$500,000 Ladder Truck……$400,000 Class A Pumper..$350,000 TOTAL APPROXMATE COST $1,250,000
The Timberlakes Fire Station was recently completed and a structure pumper, tanker and fast attack vehicle have been placed in the station. IMMEDIATE NEEDS Fast Attack Truck..$200,000 Pumper………………$600,000 TIMBERLAKES STATION
TOTAL COST OF NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS Heber Station………..$2,200,000 Heber Station………..$2,200,000 Midway Station…..…$1,200,000 Midway Station…..…$1,200,000 Jordanelle Station….$600,000 Jordanelle Station….$600,000 Wallsburg Station…..$400,000 Wallsburg Station…..$400,000 Timberlakes Station..$800,000 Timberlakes Station..$800,000 TOTAL COST $5,200,000 TOTAL COST $5,200,000
Using the Resources We Have The District has received grants exceeding $750, in the last 10 years to purchase apparatus and equipment. The District has received grants exceeding $750, in the last 10 years to purchase apparatus and equipment. Wasatch County has assisted with building and remodeling stations. (Timberlakes and Wallsburg) Wasatch County has assisted with building and remodeling stations. (Timberlakes and Wallsburg) WCFD is a majority on call service, meaning Firefighters respond from their work or home in the event of a call and respond to the volunteer station closest to them. WCFD is a majority on call service, meaning Firefighters respond from their work or home in the event of a call and respond to the volunteer station closest to them.
WCFD responded to 3 large wildfires in 2012 with a cost estimate of 1.5 million dollars. The resources and improvements saved during these wildfires was estimated at over 40 billion dollars.