Professional Roles and Behaviors for the Radiologic Technologist RTEC 123
Health Care Team Hospitals are much like a small city. Housekeeping/EVS Dietary Security Nurses Engineering Chaplain Counseling services Administration Doctors Laboratory Radiology/Diagnostic Imaging All working TOGETHER to do WHAT?
Patient Care…. that is why we are here The well-being of patient requires the cooperative efforts of MANY team members.
Imaging Department Radiology or Diagnostic Imaging Radiologist Technologists Radiology Assistants/Transporters Film Library Staff Reception Staff Managers/Department Leaders PACS Manager
FIG. 5–2 Sample organizational chart for a radiography program. Elsevier items and derived items © 2007, 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Career Paths in Radiology Technologist’s: Primary Certifications Radiography Nuclear Medicine Technology Radiation Therapy Sonography Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Career Paths in Radiology Mammography Computed Tomography Magnetic Resonance Imaging Quality Management Sonography Bone Densitometry Vascular Sonography Cardiac-Interventional Radiography Vascular-Interventional Radiography Breast Sonography Registered Radiologist Assistant
Communication Dependent on the ability of ALL team members to relay information systematically, preventing essential details from being overlooked. One of the biggest challenges in health care today! The Checklist Manifesto” Atul Gawande
Radiography as a Profession A profession is not only a field of study but also the application of specialized knowledge to benefit others. A profession is organized to govern itself – to effectively set standards of professional behavior, education, and qualification to practice, and to enforce those standards within its ranks.
Radiography as a Profession A profession is expected to advance and to continually review and challenge the basis of knowledge on which it functions. Life long learning through continuing education. Licensure requirement
ARRT…. news ARRT certifications awarded January 1, 2011, and thereafter will be time-limited to 10 years. Prior to the end of the 10-year period, the individual will be required to demonstrate continued qualifications in order to continue to hold the certification. But, ARRT certifications that are awarded in advance of January 1, 2011, and that are kept currently registered, will not be subject to Continued Qualifications requirements.
Professional Organizations ASRT – American Society of Radiological Technologists. The oldest and largest national professional association for technologists in Radiologic sciences. 1920. Developed Radiologic science curriculum for all modalities. Sets the instructional standards across the nation.
ASRT The only nationally recognized professional society representing all radiologic technologists in the U.S. Serves its membership in many ways, including significant contribution to education, professional advancement, legislation, and public relations. Opportunities for CE’s at a low cost….
Homework Assignment From Write a short summary explaining what ASRT is trying to accomplish with the “CARE bill” Go to…..Legislative & Regulatory Contact your Congress person to support the CARE bill! Extra credit opportunity in RT 106 for joining ASRT….. for Students Check out the Student page Job opportunities Scholarships Membership Discount
CSRT California Society of Radiologic Technologists - Extra credit for joining Hosting conference this November in San Jose area. In conjunction with Rad Tech Week. Second week of November. Why early November? Good opportunity for CE’s. Keep this in mind for your professional future.
ECC Radiologic Technology Program Mission Statement The mission of the Radiologic Technology Program is to prepare well qualified imaging practitioners who are committed to professional growth and life long learning, while supporting the highest standards of ethics, patient care, and technical practice.
Unprofessional behavior
Goal # 4 Instill in the student appreciation for the concept of life long learning and continued education along with the value of participation in professional organizations.
Goal # 4 Instill in the student appreciation for the concept of life long learning and continued education along with the value of participation in professional organizations.
Provide competent Radiologic Technology graduates to the health care community, who are prepared to meet their career goals. Graduate ethical and caring practitioners who apply radiation safety principles on patients, self and others
What is Professionalism?
“A Professional is someone who can do his work when he doesn’t fell like it” Alistair Cooke I AM YOUR PATIENT WHAT DO YOU SEE?