Narrative & ICT Digital Story telling Level 3&4
Digital Story Telling Planning
WALT: Write a historical narrative to inform and entertain our friends and share at assembly using digital story telling techniques.
First of all, what’s a story? (Google – Define: story) A retelling of events that led to an outcome which is of value to certain audiences.
What elements are there in a story?
Essential Story Elements 0 Characters (Who? “Good Guys”, “Bad Guys” What did they; look like, act like, sound like? – Natural elements 0 Problem(s) (What, Why? Was it a: conflict/challenge/moral dilemma or something else? – rain / volcano 0 Resolution(s) (Which, How? How was the Conflict resolved, challenge met, dilemma settled? Or was there another resolution? - saved
Decide on 0 Background Scene (Where, When? Does the story take place in the past, present or future ? Does it take place in space, under the sea, in a forest or somewhere else?) 0 Specific Location Where does the action take place? On a spaceship bridge? In King Arthur’s Castle ? In a classroom? Or somewhere else. Kyle Barnard & Martyn Weatherill 2002
You can use different software and strategies to tell a digital story. Good techniques are: 0 Storyboard first (essential!) 0 Use voice narration 0 Use music 0 Put yourself in the story. Use first person (‘I’…)
Our Task: Digital story telling using historical information
How does it work?
The Tangiwai Disaster 0 Pictures Pictures 0 Research facts 0 Turn facts into narrative 0 PowerPoint Presentation
The excitement overwhelmed me as I danced my last dance in Wellington knowing that tomorrow my first steps to independence would finally be a reality.
As part of graduation many of my fellow students and I from Carmel School for girls were embarking on an excursion to Auckland. Every girls dream was to meet the queen.
Task 1 0 As a class we will now create storyboard for a digital story from my experiences of an extremely powerful event in my life. 0 Mangatepopo Tragedy photos Mangatepopo Tragedy 0 My story My story
Task 2: 0 Student write 0 Administration – ICT Narrative 0 Select a topic, from the given list, to study and write about 0 Select 9-12 photos from the folder and write the story from your perspective (as if you were there … and survived or you might have been a rescue worker, reporter or even retelling a story told by your grandparents….)