Dan Gearhart, Division Chief / Investigator The Arson Investigation Process.


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Presentation transcript:

Dan Gearhart, Division Chief / Investigator The Arson Investigation Process

The Arson Investigators Fire Department Fire Department Police Department Police Department Deputy State Fire Marshals Deputy State Fire Marshals Federal Agencies (BATF) Federal Agencies (BATF) Special Fire and Arson Task Forces Special Fire and Arson Task Forces Insurance Company Investigators (SIU) Insurance Company Investigators (SIU) Private Investigators Private Investigators

Targets of Arson Anything that a person wants damaged by fire Anything that a person wants damaged by fire Motives for Arson: Motives for Arson: –Revenge – personal or professional vendettas –Vandalism – crime of opportunity –Profit – Monetary gain –Crime Concealment – attempting to cover another crime. –Excitement – Sense of power or seeking recognition –Extremism – Social protest again governments or corporations.

Arson Investigation Sequence 1. Fire occurs 2. Fire Department is called 3. Initial Examination by IC 4. Investigator(s) requested 5. Briefing from Incident Commander 6. Examination of the scene 7. Initial interviews a. Witness b. Neighbors

Arson Investigation Sequence c. First arriving Police Officers d. Firefighters e. Occupants f. Property Owners

Arson Investigation Sequence 8. Scene Documentation a. Photographs b. Video b. Video c. Drawings c. Drawings

Arson Investigation Sequence 9. Scene Examination a. Observe areas of damage b. Observe burn patterns b. Observe burn patterns c. Compare observations to statements c. Compare observations to statements d. Examine and remove debris d. Examine and remove debris e. Evaluate systems (Gas, Electrical) e. Evaluate systems (Gas, Electrical) f. Observe for indicators of Arson f. Observe for indicators of Arson

Arson Investigation Sequence Indicators of Arson: Indicators of Arson: –Use of Accelerants –Multiple points of origin –Trailers –Low level charring –Arrangement of materials and furniture –Ignition devices –Doors, windows open –Holes in walls, floors, ceilings –Fire Protection devices disabled –Forced entry

Arson Investigation Sequence 10. Collect Evidence a. Properly collected a. Properly collected b. Maintain chain of custody b. Maintain chain of custody c. Evidence properly secured c. Evidence properly secured d. Submitted for analysis d. Submitted for analysis

Arson Investigation Sequence 11. Evaluate the evidence 12. Evaluate the statements for credibility 13. Conduct follow-up interviews 14. Determine Area of Origin

Arson Investigation Sequence 15. Determine fire cause a. Process of elimination a. Process of elimination b. Source and form of heat causing ignition b. Source and form of heat causing ignition c. First material ignited c. First material ignited d. Ignition sequence d. Ignition sequence e. Render an opinion – based on the Scientific Method e. Render an opinion – based on the Scientific Method

Arson Investigation Sequence Probable – More likely true than not Probable – More likely true than not Possible – Feasible, but not probable Possible – Feasible, but not probable 16. Classify the Cause a. Accidental – Does not involve a deliberate human act b. Natural – Lightning, earthquake c. Incendiary – willful and maliciously causing a fire d. Undetermined – Cause cannot be proven

Arson Investigation Sequence The term “Suspicious” is not an accurate description of a fire cause. Suspicion is a level of proof, or certainty, and not an acceptable level of certainty for classifying the cause. The term “Suspicious” is not an accurate description of a fire cause. Suspicion is a level of proof, or certainty, and not an acceptable level of certainty for classifying the cause.

Arson Investigation Sequence 17. If incendiary, identify possible suspects 18. Obtain information on suspect 19. Conduct suspect interview a. Seek a confession a. Seek a confession 20. If confession is made, arrest suspect 21. If no confession: a. End interview, suspects leaves, or; a. End interview, suspects leaves, or; b. Arrest suspect based on the evidence b. Arrest suspect based on the evidence

Arson Investigation Sequence 22. Prepare Investigative Report – File with District Attorney’s Office  If arrested, request suspect answer to the charges  If not arrested, request an arrest warrant be issued

Arson Investigation Sequence 23. Perform case follow-up if needed 24. Testify in court