Biblical Geography Made Easy Bible World Map
What do you need? blank 8-1/2 x 11 paper What do you do? Fold the paper two times in each direction. Make your folds precise and your crease sharp! Unfold and smooth the paper. The crease lines are your guide- lines for drawing the map. Up is north. N pencil straight edge
SEAS 5 Along the top, on the edges of the two boxes upper left, find halfway points as shown. Draw a half circle connecting this halfway points. You have drawn the bottom half of the first of five seas that framed the biblical world. This sea is not mentioned in the Bible. Today we know this sea as the BLACK Sea. Black Sea
SEAS 5 Along the top, on the edges of the two boxes upper right, find halfway points as shown. Draw another half circle connecting this halfway points. You have drawn the bottom half of the second of five seas that framed the biblical world. This sea is also not mentioned in the Bible. Today we know this sea as the CASPIAN Sea. Black Sea Caspian Sea
SEAS 5 Along the left side edge, find the middle two boxes. Mark the halfway points right and left of each box. Mark the center point of the next two boxes to the right. Connect your marks in the shape of a mitten with a thumb pointing up. Mark the center of the NW corner box. You have drawn the third of five seas that framed the biblical world. This sea is the eastern end of the GREAT Sea. We call this sea the MEDITERRANEAN. Great Sea (Mediterranean) Black SeaCaspian Sea
SEAS 5 You have drawn the fourth of five seas that framed the biblical world. This sea is the northern end of the RED Sea. Mark the center of bottom of your map. Draw a line NW from your point. The line should approach the Great Sea, then loop back and return to the bottom of your map at a point to the right of where you started. Black SeaCaspian Sea Great Sea (Mediterranean) Red Sea
SEAS 5 This is the northern end of the EASTERN Sea. Mark the lower right corner of your map. Draw a line NW from your point. Imitate the shape of the Red Sea. The line should loop back and return to the right edge of your map at a point above where you started. You have drawn the fifth of five seas that framed the biblical world. Today this sea is called the PERSIAN GULF. Black SeaCaspian Sea Great Sea (Mediterranean) Red Sea Eastern Sea (Persian Gulf)
SEAS 5 On your map draw waves on the surface of the five seas. The land between these seas is the biblical world of the Old Testament. The land between the five seas is the place where Asia, Europe and Africa meet. REVIEW: the five seas are... the GREAT. the RED. the EASTERN. the BLACK. the CASPIAN. ASIA EUROPE AFRICA Black SeaCaspian Sea Great Sea (Mediterranean) Red Sea Eastern Sea (Persian Gulf)
MOUNTAINS 2 Where the folds meet in the center on top Noah’s ark rested on Mount ARARAT. draw a mountain. On the land bridge between the Red Sea and the Great sea draw a mountain. God gave his Word to his people on Mount SINAI. Across the top from the “thumb” to the Persian Gulf draw mountains. Old Testament believers knew that mountains stretched across the top of the world they knew. Mount Sinai Mount Ararat
RIVERS 4 From Ararat You have drawn the first of the four major rivers of the Bible world. It is the TIGRIS. to the top of the Eastern Sea draw a curved line that skirts the mountains. Tigris
RIVERS 4 From Ararat You have drawn the second of the four major rivers of the Bible world. It is the EUPHRATES. to the top of the Eastern Sea draw a curved line that mirrors the Tigris. Euphrates The Tigris and Euphrates cradled the earliest civilization
RIVERS 4 Mark the place where fold lines cross below the Great Sea. You have drawn the third of the four major rivers of the Bible world. It is the NILE. Draw a line up the fold line to this spot. From this spot draw a “V” that reaches the Great Sea. The Nile cradled the other earliest civilization. Nile
RIVERS 4 Mark a place to the right of the Great Sea on the center fold line. You have drawn the fourth of the four major rivers of the Bible world. It is the JORDAN. Mark another spot halfway down to the Red Sea. Join the two. The city of Jericho in the Jordan Valley is the oldest known city to be lived in continuously up to the present day. Jordan
MOUNTAINS & RIVERS REVIEW: the two mountains the TIGRIS the EUPHRATES the NILE Mount ARARAT Mount SINAI the JORDAN and the four rivers... Mount Ararat Mount Sinai Tigris Euphrates Nile Jordan
HABITAT 1 This strip of land was well watered either by rivers, or by rain falling on the eastern coast of the Great Sea. Mark a place where the Nile leaves the map at the bottom Mark another place where the Tigris and Euphrates enter the Easter Sea. Shade a crescent shaped strip of land between the two points as shown Historians have named this the FERTILE CRESCENT. Fertile Crescent In this crescent of fertile land early civilization flourished.
SONS OF NOAH 3 Below the Fertile Crescent was desert, the Sahara Desert in Africa, the Arabian Desert in Asia, and the Sinai Desert in between. After the Flood people spread out. The offspring of SHEM moved southeast. The offspring of HAM moved southwest. The offspring of JAPHETH spread east and west north of the mountains. J A P H E T H S H E M H A M
Nations Seas Rivers Sons of Noah Mountains Habitat REVIEW One Learning Categories
Nations Seas Rivers Sons of Noah Mountains Habitat EgyptCanaanAramAssyria BabyloniaPersia BlackCaspianGreat RedEastern TigrisEuphrates NileJordan ShemHam Japheth Ararat Sinai Fertile Crescent REVIEW Two Learning what’s in the categories
Nations Seas Rivers Sons of Noah Mountains Habitat Egypt Canaan Aram Assyria Babylonia Persia Black Caspian Great Red Eastern Tigris Euphrates Nile Jordan Shem Ham Japheth Ararat Sinai Fertile Crescent REVIEW Three Checking