By: Miquelle Ray Miquelle Ray CIS 1020 Final Project
Travel Plans Fly from SLC, Utah to Rome, Italy Price range for plane tickets: $1,300-$1,650 Duration of flight: 13 hours to 20 hours Miquelle Ray CIS 1020 Final Project
Things to do Wine tour in Tuscany Gondola rides Go shopping Visit the museums Experience the food See the sights Miquelle Ray CIS 1020 Final Project
Most Famous Attractions PlacesCity Canals of VeniceVenice ColiseumRome Leaning Tower of PisaPisa Tervi FountainRome The Amafi CoastNaples PompeiiRome Miquelle Ray CIS 1020 Final Project
References Search?trip=roundtrip&leg1=from:SLC,to:FCO,departure:09%2F15%2F2014TANYT&leg2=fro m:FCO,to:SLC,departure:10%2F10%2F2014TANYT&passengers=children:0,adults:1,seniors:0,i nfantinlap:Y&options=cabinclass:coach,nopenalty:N,sortby:price&mode=search Miquelle Ray CIS 1020 Final Project