Four basic Principles of Exercise Intensity Mode Frequency Duration
Intensity of Exercise How hard do you exercise? Frequently ignored Can be monitored throughout exercise Example: 85% of one repetition max
Mode of Exercise What type of strength training? –Free weights –Nautilus –Cybex –Body weight exercises –Surgical tubing Mode should involve all of the major muscles Choose activities which are enjoyable!
Duration of Exercise How many exercises for each body part? (Usually one to three for each body part) Push/pull exercises How many Sets? (recommended 2 to 3 sets) How many Reps? (8 to 12 reps)
Frequency of Exercise One to three training sessions/week for each muscle group. Training a muscle group more than once within a 48 hour period is counter productive to development.
Overload Principle - The muscle must be fatigued in order to obtain higher levels of strength and/or stature. Toning - to shape muscles it is typically advised to perform high reps at a lower weight. Specificity - Performing the correct exercise for a specific muscle group(s).
Major Muscle Groups of the Upper Body Pectoralis major Deltoid Biceps brachii Trapezius Triceps Latissimus dorsi Int./Ext. Oblique Rectus abdominus
Major Muscle Groups of the Lower Body Quadriceps Hamstrings Gluteus maximus Gastrocnemius Soleus Adductors
What Exercises Can You Do? Pectoralis major - bench press, incline press, pec deck, flys, etc. Deltoid - military press, behind the neck press, lateral raise, etc. Biceps brachii - one arm curls, two arm curls, chin-ups, etc. Trapezius - shrugs, upright rows, etc. Triceps - extensions, close grip bench, modified dips, etc. Latissimus dorsi - pull downs, pull ups, rows, chin-ups, etc. Int./Ext. Oblique - side crunches, medicine ball, rotation, etc. Rectus abdominus - crunches, leg raises, scissors, etc.
What Exercises Can You Do? Quadriceps - squats, lunges, leg press, leg extension, etc. Hamstrings - leg curls, straight leg dead lift, d-bell curls, etc. Gluteus maximus - leg press, lunges, squats, etc. Gastrocnemius - standing raises, seated raises, lying raises, etc. Soleus - standing raises, seated raises, lying raises, etc. Adductors - adduction machine, surgical tubing, etc.
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