presented by Dewey M. Caron w/ data geeking by Jenai Fitzpatrick
Beekeeping Education PM - 55% PM - Club meetings + Mentors
Respondent Hive Years 62% with 1,2 or 3 colonies; m=3, avg=4.2 [range 0-50] PM 55% m=3,avg=4 {[range 1-15] 48% with 1,2 or 3 years experience, M=4, avg=6 [range 0-60] PM 35% m=4 Avg=7.5[range 1-40]
Colony Losses-29% by Hive Type # spring hives = 800 # fall hives = 1131 PM 7,6 66,56 1 6,1 = 80
Another view --PM w/ Total losses # spring hives (PUB) = 63 # fall hives = 80 (PUB) Max = 24
% Loss by Origination (PNW) # spring hives = 826 # fall hives = 1274 (PNW)
PM LOSS BY ORIGINATION TOTAL 29% 46% 42% 40% 30% # F,S 22,19 14,12 19,14 17,13 5,4
PUB 2015 numbers
42% 9-yr Avg 37% 23% 9-yr Avg = 29%
2015 Loss Comparisons # indiv % est. col. 61% 60% unknown 14.5% 15.7%14.2% [25.2]% OR 29%
8 Years of Comparison 16% 29%
Another view
Sampling colony adults sugar shake Alcohol wash (window washer fluid) Keep below 2-5% -- 5mites/100 bees
Feeding, Moisture Control and Ventilation Moisture will kill bees …NOT cold! Locate hive out of the wind, in sun, protected. Use screened bottom boards, top ventilation. Feed bees to insure enough food stores Use screen tops with moisture collector. Burlap Straw Old Towels Etc.
Do you like/use Screen Bottom Boards? 95% of BIP survey respondents say THEY DO USE THEM
BUT SCREEN BOTTOM BOARDS apparently DO NOT REDUCE LOSSES Nationally no advantage (4 consecutive survey years: , , , and ). However in northern states a 12.4% reduction of loss was recorded in last survey year ( ).
Drone brood removal
Drone Brood removal 11% fewer overwintering colony losses detected in one of four survey years ( ). However in northern states a 10 % - 33% reduction in loss was recorded in operations that used this technique in 3 of 4 survey years ( , , )
Do you use essential oils? Apiguard ApiLife Var
If you do use an essential oil -- APIGUARD % fewer overwintering colony losses with use (4 consecutive survey years: , , , ) APILIFE VAR % fewer overwintering colony losses with use (4 consecutive survey years: , , and ) Essential oils in HONEY BEE HEALTHY & other supplements are not adequately control mites
Alternative material used Honey-B-Healthy
Do Acids control mites? Formic (MAQS) Hop Beta OXALIC
Acids for varroa control Formic ACID (MAQS) % fewer overwintering colony losses with use (4 consecutive survey years : ; ; ) OXALIC ACID % fewer overwintering colony losses with use (2 consecutive survey years , ) HOPGUARD II - 10% fewer overwintering colony losses with use in one survey year ( ) Smart chemicals need some smarts to use
Do you use/have you used a miticide? Smart chemical for Dumb beekeeper APIVAR (Amitraz) % fewer overwintering colony losses with use (3 consecutive survey years; , and )
All about queens
Some seasons/colonies are tough…. Bee Counted Bee Informed
Thank you Go to survey results (top bar) Survey reports