Knee Outline
Designed to Provide Stability Provide Mobility Knee
Bones Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Longest and the strongest Sesamoid = bone within tendon, shock absorption Tibia Primary weight bearing bone in lower leg Fibula Bears no weight, attachment site for muscles Gives stability to ankle Bones
Ligaments Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Protects from medial displacement Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) Protects from lateral displacement Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Most frequently ruptured, protects from anterior tibia motion Originates on anterior tibial plateau, and on posterior femur Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Protects from posterior displacement Ligaments
Medial Meniscus C shaped Lateral Meniscus O shaped Cartilage
Muscles Anterior Thigh Posterior Thigh Quadriceps Knee Extensors (4) Hamstrings Knee Flexors (3) Muscles
Muscles Medial Thigh Lateral Thigh Lower Leg Groin Leg Adductors (3) Tensor Fascia Latae Leg Abductors Lower Leg Gastrocnemius, soleus Knee Flexors Muscles
Palpations Quadriceps Hamstrings MCL LCL Medial & Lateral Borders of Patella Medial & Lateral Joint Line Patellar Tendon Tibial Tuberosity Grastrocnemius PCL ACL Pes Anserinus Insertion Palpations