Skeye Aviation Systems is a business unit of ARKYS ARKYS is a Microsoft Partner. ARKYS Team of developers and analysts are Certified Microsoft Silver Developers Competency. A PARTNERSHIP OF EXPERIENCE Skeye Aviation Systems takes great pride in announcing the appointment of SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT to act as an agent / reseller of all its products, providing local support within the region SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT
Skeye Aviation Systems is a business unit of ARKYS ARKYS is a Microsoft Partner. ARKYS Team of developers and analysts are Certified Microsoft Silver Developers Competency. Leading Edge Company in the Aviation Operating Software Solutions and Information technology that specifically addresses the Regional Airlines industry’s needs to reach operational efficiency and profits. SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT
Skeye Aviation System has developed and implemented Aviation Operating Software’s solutions such as…………… Skeye Central - Flight Operations Management System Manages flight equipment and crew scheduling, operator’s notification and alerts, seamlessly done step by step with a verification control. Skeye Revenue Ticketing Accounting System Imports and manages all ticket sales into one central database. Initiates reports and responses on demand. Keeps an eye on your revenue, to quickly react and maximize profitability to your company’s bottom line. Online E-Booking Management Operating System Optimize your online business and empower your customers with our integrated user-friendly e-booking solution. Skeye Cargo Revenue Manager Improves Air Cargo Management operations and maximizes your cargo profits. Skye E-Bridge Centralize and Empower, your existing airline operating software systems. Integration services designed to link, centralize and communicate with all your existing airline software systems, in one easy step. We provide integration solutions expertise with business process analysis and development, solution implementation, post-implementation support, business solution optimization and technological expertise. SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT
Flight Operations Management System Manages flight equipment and crew scheduling, operator’s notification and alerts, seamlessly done step by step with a verification control. SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT
Skeye Central - Flight Operations Management System SCHEDULE Assigns resources of Crew and Aircraft, to fight related activities, with real- time validation and provides a quick and easy view of all crew members duty time within FAA and Transport Canada regulations. Software has practical crew and aircraft scheduling recurrence feature that provides templates for recurrent flights. Flight Watch Real-Time monitoring of flights and update flight-specific information. Powerful sorting and grouping functions. The system allows information to be organized with multiple views. Log Book Verification Ensures the pilot’s logbook matches the information entered by the dispatcher. Payroll interface allows a user to adjust the duty and flight time of the crew. Payroll allows the user to produce reports, generate payroll and expense account information, that can easily be exported to your current accounting system. SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT
Imports and manages all ticket sales into one central database. Initiates reports and responses on demand. Keeps an eye on your revenue, to quickly react and maximize profitability to your company’s bottom line. Ticketing Accounting System SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT
Imports and manages all ticket sales into one central database. Initiates reports and responses on demand. Skeye Revenue Ticketing Accounting Software that processes tickets based on travel vouchers issued and completed travel. Data is provided by travel agencies, air carrier agency and online booking. Skeye Revenue Ticketing Accounting Software will convert the data to a ticket view. Data can also be exported to various systems as Dynamic GP, for accounting purposes. Keeps an eye on your revenue, to quickly react and maximize profitability to your company’s bottom line. Skeye Revenue - Ticketing Accounting System SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT
3 easy Steps process: Importing: Ticketing Data is imported from databases such as SITA, IATA provided by travel agencies or online ticketing. Tickets to validate: This allows for the possibility of searching by last name, first name, credit card number, flight number. As well, multiple criteria searching is available. Validate Tickets & Ticket History: Following reports can be generated: - Summary of tickets in a specific batch. - Used ticket portion (sold vouchers vs. travelled vouchers). - Statistics showing how many passengers travelled on a specific segment. - Statistics on how many passengers travelled on a flight number. Skeye Revenue - Ticketing Accounting System SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT
Improves Air Cargo Management operations and maximizes your cargo profits. Cargo Manager SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT
Skeye Cargo - Cargo Manager Facilitates and calculates customer freight pricing based on company’s pricing guidelines. Ensures correct pricing, to maximizes company's’ cargo profits. Centralized Waybills - All airport cargo terminal sales, are sent to a centralized company data base to ensure no loss of cargo waybills. Fully integrated, single database, electronic information processing backbone bringing enhanced data integrity and lower information processing costs. The highly modular design allows each sub-system to be provided as a standalone system or together with any other system(s) in the Skeye Suites of airline operating software. SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT
Optimize your online business and empower your customers with our integrated user-friendly e-booking solution. Online E-Booking SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT
Skeye E-Booking Online E-Booking Management Operating System Enhance your customers’ Online E-Booking experience: Our Online E-Booking technology is highly flexible, scalable and ready to integrate with your existing website and backend systems. Enhances your customer Online E-Booking experience with your airline brand name, creates repeat business and customer loyalty. Your customer can view their past ticket purchases, while managing their own ticket changes in travel purchases, such as cancellation, change date, refund. Lowering your booking costs and generate more revenue for your airline. Market your airline experience, sell your product, serve your customers and operate efficiently across your entire airline network. SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT
Skeye Aviation Systems is a business unit of ARKYS ARKYS is a Microsoft Partner. ARKYS Team of developers and analysts are Certified Microsoft Silver Developers Competency. Skeye E-Bridge Centralize and Empower, your existing airline operating software systems. Integration services designed to link, centralize and communicate with all your existing airline software systems, in one easy step. We provide integration solutions expertise with business process analysis and development, solution implementation, post- implementation support, business solution optimization and technological expertise. SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT
Skeye Aviation System For any additional information or view our Web Demonstration on any of our Skeye Aviation Operating Software: Please contact.Regional sales Pasquale RizziCapt Salim Anwar Director, Director Operations Aviation BusinessDevelopmentSKY FLIGHT SUPPORT - Global Sales- Regional sales Tel: (514) Tel: Web Site: SKY FLIGHT SUPPORT