Women, Peace & Security: Education in National Action Plans - realizing commitments under UN SCR 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889, 1960 UNESCO Forum, Bishkek June 2012 Gerald Gunther Gender & Mediation Specialist UN Women, Kyrgyz Republic
SCR 1325 | 31 October 2000 First UN SCR to link women in conflict to maintenance of international peace and security. Increase role and number of women in conflict prevention, peace-building and reconstruction of a just society. SCR 1889 | 5 October 2009 Addresses women’s exclusion from early recovery and peace-building and lack of adequate planning and funding for their needs. SCR 1888 | 30 September 2009 Strengthens tools for implementing 1820 through assigning leadership, building judicial response expertise, and reporting mechanisms SCR 1820 | 19 June 2008 Recognizes conflict-related sexual violence as a tactic of warfare. Its avoidance identified as a critical component of the maintenance of international peace and security. Requires a peacekeeping, justice, and peace negotiation response SCR 1960 | 16 December 2010 Provides an accountability system for addressing conflict-related SV Women, Peace & Security Resolutions
Address women’s participation in all aspects of peace making, peace keeping and peace building Establish minimum targets for post-conflict spending on women’s rights and needs Promote women at the frontline of service delivery to speed recovery Improved monitoring and accountability Enhanced planning and implementation coherence : National Action Plans - for all UN member states regardless of in-country conflict situation UN system coordination Accelerating implementation of SCR 1325
Global indicators for SCR 1325 Resolution 1325 reaffirms the important role of women in the prevention of conflicts and in peace-building, and stresses the importance of their equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security, and the need to increase their role in decision-making with regard to conflict prevention and resolution. “ ”
National Action Plans: purpose and content National Action Plans (NAP) provide a framework for prioritizing women, peace & security issues and implementing resolution 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889, 1960 NAP are implementation plans. They should include goals, priorities, budgeting, reporting & monitoring – and clear timelines. The UN system must assist. Four key principles (or pillars) are usually considered: Participation & representation of women in all aspects of peace-building & security Protection of women as a group with specific needs and concerns Prevention of sexual and other violence and prevention of conflict Reconstruction – building back better and fairer Cross-cutting issues: Promotion/Advocacy; Budgeting; Coordination; Monitoring
Implementation of SCR 1325: Statement by Kyrgyz Republic to UNSC, 28 October 2011: ‘Following the inter-ethnic conflict in southern Kyrgyzstan in 2010, special importance was given to supporting female initiatives in the are of conflict resolution, peace building and post- confIict reconstruction … women activists joined together to form women’s peacekeeping networks in order to put an end to conflict and violence and to prevent a recurrence of the tragic events … Today, the women’s peace-keeping network includes 20 local women’s peace committees and serves as the link between local communities and the central Government’ Adopted APs Australia Rwanda Austria Senegal Belgium Serbia BiH Sierra Leone Burundi Slovenia Canada Spain Chile Sweden Cote D’Ivoire Switzerland Croatia Uganda DRC UK Denmark USA Estonia Finland France Georgia Guinea Guinea Bissau Iceland Ireland Italy Liberia Netherlands No conflict Nepal Recent conflict Norway Current conflict Philippines Portugal
Implementation of SCR 1325: Statement by Kyrgyz Republic to UNSC, 28 Oct cont.: ‘Kyrgyzstan believes that the key role in coordinating agreed measures on women’s participation in conflict prevention and peace-building efforts should be played by UN Women.’ ‘In the future Kyrgyzstan intends to increase the number of women serving in the military and police contingents of United Nations peacekeeping operations.’ ‘Preventive actions in post-conflict countries, including comprehensive reform of judicial and law enforcement systems are important as the only way to ensure the rule of law and better protection of the rights of women.’ ‘The national strategy on achieving gender equality in the Kyrgyz Republic … will stipulate further measures for strengthening the role of women in the area of peace and security, including in the implementation of resolution 1325 (2000).’
Constraints to a larger role of women making decisions and engaging in post-conflict reconstructing of Kyrgyzstan society Women have little involvement in traditional systems of conflict mitigation (council of aksakals, aksakal court) Since demise of USSR, fewer opportunities for women to pursue career, or obtaining education leading to career Mass male labour emigration did not positively shift roles between women and men; many women emigrate too Increased ethnic nationalism and return to misunderstood ‘traditions’ (bride-napping, early marriage) How to overcome these constraints? Provide gender-training to students and state officials As part of education reform focus on participatory learning techniques rather than rote learning to empower students (and teachers) Recruit based on merit but ensure that key concerns of women are taken into account at work place (child-care, personal security) and that gender-stereotypes are confronted (women in the police, engineers, etc.
-UNCT to engage Government on recognizing that need for peace-building continues and that women should take lead (with all government partners) -Training of justice and security sector actors with a focus on prevention, reporting and prosecuting SGBV crimes (MoJ, MoI) -Training of civil servants (statisticians, mediators, etc.) to enhance understanding of gender-responsive peace-building and to retain and increase share of women staff -Training of media personnel on gender-sensitive reporting in peace and security to cement advocacy on the role of women -Gender & conflict-mitigation training for security forces (MoI, MoD) -Additional training for Kyrgyzstan peacekeeping contingents prior to deployment (Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defence) - Introduction of engendered conflict-prevention, nation-building and peace-building curriculum into secondary schools (with MoE) Education and Women, Peace & Security - Next Steps for Kyrgyzstan
‘Education for non-violence and peace includes training, skills and information directed towards cultivating a culture of peace based on human rights principles. This education not only provides knowledge about a culture of peace, but also imparts the skills and attitudes necessary to defuse and recognize potential conflicts, and those needed to actively promote and establish peace and non-violence’ (UNESCO, 2008) Activities that could be supported by UN system (UN Women, etc.): -Support to Ministry of Education to develop a curriculum (stand- alone new subject or to strengthen existing subjects taught) -Development of textbooks also using material produced by earlier initiatives (UNHCR, IFES, GIZ) for approval by the authorities -Teacher training on the new curriculum/textbooks -Introduction into secondary schools (9 th and 10 th grade) -Timeframe Introduction of engendered conflict-prevention, nation-building and peace-building curriculum into secondary schools
for non-violence i Thank you Let her be well educated to be able to help build a peaceful and prosperous Kyrgyzstan!