The End Times Heaven!
Heaven is Real Spiritual realm – John 18:36, Heb. 9:11, 24 Foundations – Heb. 11:10, 16 John 14:1-3 – a place prepared 1 Pet. 1:3-5 2 Corinthians 5:1
What is Heaven Like? Indescribable beauty 2 Cor. 12:4, “Paradise” Rev. 2:7, Luke 24:43 Rev a description of the “New Jerusalem.” It describes the quality of heaven. Streets of God (21); God it’s light (22- 23); God glorified, security (25); nothing defiled (26) River of life (22:1); Tree of life (22:2); “forever” (22:5), etc.
What is Heaven Like? A place of rest Revelation 14:13 Hebrews 4:9-11, There remains a rest
What is Heaven Like? Nothing evil or unpleasant there Revelation 21:4, 21:27 Rev. 22:3, no more curse His enemies will face another fate 2 Thess. 1:6-10, etc. (next week)
What is Heaven Like? A place of joy and gladness Matt. 25:21, 23, “enter into the joy of your Lord” 1 Peter 4:13, glad with exceeding joy 1 Pet. 1:6-9, in suffering we rejoice with joy inexpressible
What is Heaven Like? New heavens and new earth 2 Peter 3:13, A new and better place Matt. 25:46, 2 Cor. 5:1 – eternal in the heavens!
What will we be like? Immortal, incorruptible We will be changed, 1 Cor. 15: John 3:2-3, We will be like our Lord.
What will we be like? We will worship God Everything in heaven points toward this Rev. 4:8-11, 5:8-14, 7:9-17, etc. We will serve God Rev. 7:15, 22:3
Who will we be in heaven? God and the Son God’s temple – Psa. 11:4, Isa. 66:1, etc. Jesus – John 14:1-3, Maek 16:19
Who will we be in heaven? Various “heroes” of faith in scripture Heb. 11, A list of the faithful Paul, Timothy, apostles, etc. Enoch, Elijah, David, Moses, etc.
Who will we be in heaven? Various passages: Matt. 7:21, he who does the will of the Father Rev. 14:13, he who dies in the Lord Heb. 12:23, souls made perfect, registered in heaven
Who will we be in heaven? Various passages: Rev. 2:10, faithful unto death Rom 2:7, patient continuance in doing good Matt. 13:13, he who endures to the end. Matt. 25:34-40, those who care for others
Heaven is real! What does heaven mean to you?