orange trees were found to be the most cultivated fruit tree in the world. production being particularly prevalent in Brazil and the U.S. states of Florida and California Orange trees are widely grown in tropical and subtropical climates for their sweet fruit.
Kingdom – Plantae, Order – Sapindales Family – Rutaceae Genus – Citrus Species – C.×sinensis Binomial name – Citrus sinensis
Stock of orange The orange is a hybrid, possibly between pomelo (Citrus maxima) and mandarin (Citrus reticulata), which has been cultivated since ancient times. + = pomelomandarin orange
The orange tree is an evergreen, flowering tree. evergreen flowering with an average height of 9 to 10 m (30 to 33 ft), although some very old specimens can reach 15 m (49 ft) Standard-size trees should be spaced 12 to 25 feet apart and dwarf trees should be set 6 to 10 feet apart. The exact distance depends on the variety. The bigger the fruit, the farther the distance
The fruit is fleshy and soft. The fruit of any citrus tree is considered a hesperidium (a kind of modified berry) because it has numerous seeds. derives from a single ovary and is covered by a rind originated by a rugged thickening of the ovary wall. the sweet orange presents different sizes and shapes varying from spherical to oblong, it generally has ten segments (carpels) inside, and contains up to six seeds (or pips). a porous white tissue – called pith or, more properly, mesocarp or albedo — lines its rind.
Color of fruit : When unripe, the fruit is green and the grainy irregular rind. At the ripe fruit can range from bright orange to yellow-orange, frequently retains green patches or, under warm climate conditions, remains entirely green
Its oval leaves, alternately arranged, are 4 to 10 cm (1.6 to 3.9 in) long and have crenulate margins
pollination Self fertile The flower is determinate
Being a citrus fruit, the orange is acidic: its pH levels are as low as 2.9 and as high as 4.0
oranges do well under moderate temperatures require considerable amounts of sunshine and water As oranges are sensitive to frost
Propagation It is possible to grow orange trees directly from seeds. Commercially grown orange trees are propagated asexually by grafting propagated asexually grafting
Orange & lemon
common oranges blood or pigmented oranges navel oranges acidless oranges the oranges is subdivided into four classes with distinct characteristics:
Navel We have navel-like structure at one end of our fruit. Our thin, orange-coloured skin is easily peeled from our flesh and our segments are easy to break apart. We ’ re seedless and very juicy They are available from November to April, with peak supplies in January, February, and March..
Valencia The Valencia orange is a late-season fruit, and therefore a popular variety when navel oranges are out of season We ’ re very juicy and are best for juicing. Our skin is orange but may stay green in warmer climates. This does not affect taste or juiciness.
Seville We ’ re highly acidic and therefore sour to the taste, but make excellent marmalade and preserves.
Blood oranges: the majority of them are hybrids High concentrations of anthocyanin give the rind, flesh, and juice the fruit their characteristic dark red color
Hamlin The fruit is small, smooth, not highly colored, seedless, and juicy, with a pale yellow colored juice especially in fruits that come from lemon rootstock The tree is high-yielding and cold-tolerant and it produces good quality fruit, which is harvested from October to December.
Acidless oranges Acidless oranges: Acidless oranges are an early-season fruit with very low levels of acid The lack of acid, which protects orange juice against spoilage in other groups generally unfit for processing as juice, so they are primarily eaten. They remain profitable in areas of local consumption, but rapid spoilage renders them unsuitable for export to major population centres of Europe, Asia, or the United States