1 Stylistic Problems
2 What’s Style Style is a collection of grammatical and lexical choices made by the author or the writer within a language system
3 Two Views of Style Traditional View: Style is a molding or a frame of the message … the dress of meaning (secondary to meaning)
4 Two Views of Style Functional View: Style is: inseparable from meaning an important part of the message Contributes either slightly or considerably to the message
5 Do we translate Style? YES!
6 What’s Stylistic translation? Translation which stresses the overlapping between message and style Requirements: Style which is faithful to that of SL Style which is appropriate to the TL
7 Stylistic equivalence It is the proper choice of the style of the TL text (e.g. Arabic) derived from that of the SL text (e.g. English), unless available the TL.
8 Types of Problems Many problems faced by students while translating from English into Arabic and vice versa.
9 Style of Formality vs. Informality Joos (1962) suggested a scale of five tones of English which is general but widely acceptable: 1. Frozen formal Be seated 2. فصيح جداً اجلس 3. FormalHave a seat فصيح تفضل بالجلوس 1. Informal Sit down\, please غير فصيحاجلس لو سمحت 1. Colloquial Feel at home خذ راحتك عامي 2. VulgarSit bloody down 3. سوقي اقعد في مكانك
10 Style of Formality vs. Informality The 5 styles are sometimes reduced to 2 main ones only, for ease of classification & comprehension: Frozen formal Formal Informal Colloquial Vulgar Formal Informal
11 Example: You can’t paint watercolours without knowing how to lay a wash, though anyone can learn the knack if they are willing to go a bit of trouble. People have their own fads about the drill, but my method seems to work as anyone’s
The informal features of the English text: a. The use of the second person pronoun style. “you” b. The use of the contraction “can’t” c. The use of words like”knack” (i.e. special skill” “a bit of” and “fad> d. The use of simple common words and simple, easy sentence structure throughout the whole text. 12
13 Style of Fronting Definition: to move a word, a phrase or a clause from its original place in the middle or at the end of a sentence to the beginning (front position) of that sentence. E.g. Allah she worshiped. (fronted) She worshiped Allah. (normal) In my room he slept He slept in my room
Round a centrally-placed coffee-table there are three armchairs. To the left of the fireplace is an alcove with built-in bookshelves. To the right, a table carrying a television set. Against the wall facing the fireplace stands an upright piano” حول طاولة صغيرة متمركزة في الوسط, يوجد ثلاثة كراسي. الى الجهة اليسرى من الموقد فجوة فيها رفوف كتب. الى الجهة اليمنى طاولة عليها جهاز تلفاز. على الحائط مقابل الموقد ينتصب بيانو عمودي 14
15 Style of Fronting Function: Fronting is a stylistic device used to show Emphasis and surprise + Importance As he had been caught red-handed, he was sentences to death. (fronted clause) نظراً لأنه قبض عليه متلبساً، حكم عليه بالاعدام.
16 Style of Fronting Fronting is used both at the sentence level and the text level. Translate “If you apologize, I will forgive you” “
17 Style of Parallelism Definition: Two structures or more are identical to one another. E.g. My father is ill. My mother is sad. My sister is worried. (parallel structures) أبي مريض. أمي حزينة. أختي قلقة أبي مريض. لذا أمي حزينةعليه. وكذلك أختي قلقة عليه أبي مريض, مما سبب الحزن لأمي والقلق لأختي.
18 Style of Parallelism Function: Parallelism is important to meaning. Why? It implies a balance between two or more messages. Conclusion I t should be translated in Arabic to reflect the same function.
19 Style of Parallelism Text for translation in class Today we have bigger houses but smaller families; more conveniences, but less time; we have more degrees, but less common sense; more knowledge, but less judgment. We have more experts, but more problems; more medicine, but less wellness. We spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get to angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too often, and pray too seldom.
20 Style of Ambiguity Definition It is lack of clarity of language at different lexical, cultural, or syntactic levels: word, phrase or sentence, Example: The shooting of the hunters is extraordinary صيد الصيادين خارق للعادة “Shooting” has two meanings: 1.Killing the huntersقتل الصيادين 2.Killing the birdsقتل الطيور
21 Style of Ambiguity Function Achieving complicated meaning Hiding the truth Avoiding straightforward expression of opinion Reflecting the nature of a character, a person, an idea, etc.
© Amira Kashgary – Lecture Notes 22 Style of Ambiguity Function Achieving complicated meaning Hiding the truth Avoiding straightforward expression of opinion Reflecting the nature of a character, a person, an idea, etc.
23 Style of Ambiguity How to translate ambiguous sentences (Idioms) Example: I smell a rat in what you say! Look for an indirect equivalent : يلعب الفأر في عبي فيما تقول Or resort to equally unclear phrases: اشتم رائحة مكيدة Or use direct phrases: أشك، تساورني الشكوك
24 Complex vs. Simple Style Complexity is displayed through a single sentence composed of several interconnected fronted subordinate clauses, followed by the main clause in a final position. (syntactic complexity)
25 Complex vs. Simple Style Function 1. To accumulate information and reasons which justify the action 2. To have impact on meaning 3. To give information
© Amira Kashgary – Lecture Notes 26 Style of Short Sentences Functions 1. It heightens the tempo of action 2. It accelerates events and arouses suspense
27 Style of Long Sentences Functions Strong unity of the topic Reflection of a boring subject matter Emphasis or non-emphasis of a subject, a phrase or a clause Portrayal of a special scene Avoidance of a any shade of ambiguity Addition of extra thing to the text (legal text)
28 Passive vs. Active Style Both styles are used in all types of texts (English and Arabic) Active style in English is used as a straightforward, sharp, provocative, candid and aggressive style It is used to imply an invitation to some kind of action to be taken
29 Passive vs. Active Style Both styles are used in all types of texts (English and Arabic) Active style in English is used as a straightforward, sharp, provocative, candid and aggressive style It is used to imply an invitation to some kind of action to be taken
30 Passive vs. Active Style Passive is used for: 1. Concentrating on the result of the action and the action itself 2. Hiding the identity of the doer
31 Passive vs. Active: Translate “ The Zionist soldiers killed five Palestinian children yesterday” “Five Palestinians were killed yesterday”
32 Style of Repetition and Variation It is the repetition of important words or phrases over and over again Function To reflect something important to the whole message 249
Football is the game my friend loves. Football is the sport he watches on the television. Football is his favorite hobby. As a child, his dream was to play football as a professional player. Here he is now a great football player. كرة القدم هي اللعبة التي يحبها صديقي. كرة القدم هي الرياضة التي يشاهدها على التلفاز. كرة القدم هي هوايته المفضلة. وكطفل، كان أمله أن يلعب كرة القدم كلاعب محترف. هاهو ذا الان لاعب كرة قدم كبير كرة القدم هي اللعبة التي يحبها صديقي. انها الرياضة التي يشاهدها على التلفاز. اللعبة الأولى في العالم هي هوايته المفضلة. وكطفل، كان أمله أن يلعب اللعبة الشعبية. هاهو ذا الان لاعب محبوبة الجماهير الكبير 33
34 Style of Redundancy The use of unnecessary, extra words to express something for the purpose of (Emphasis and Contrast) Examples: “As a matter of fact, to say the truth, I have to say it frankly, I’m not interested in your offer”. 1. في حقيقة الأمر أنا غير مهتم بعرضك. 2. في حقيقية الأمر، في الحقيقة علي أن أقولها بصراحة، أنا غير مهتم بعرضك.
35 “The economic policy of the new government is un acceptable completely, categorically and in part in toto” السياسة الاقتصادية للحكومة الجديدة غير مقبولة برمتها السياسة الاقتصادية للحكومة الجديدة غير مقبولة كلية ومطلقا وجملة وتفصيلا
36 Style of Nominalization vs. Verbalization Nominalization: the use of nouns Function: to inject texts with abstraction, fixity and some kind of authority
37 Style of Nominalization vs. Verbalization Verbalization: the use of verbs Function: indication of subjectivity, mobility and normality
38 Registration at the university is the start of a long path into the unknown future. The feeling of security in life is the main aim of many students. Also, the holding of a university degree and the consideration of its holder among the highly educated, is a valuable moral end for a great number of students.
To register at the university is to start a long path into a future you do not know. To feel secure in life is what many students mainly aim at. Also, to hold a university degree and to consider its holder among the people who have high education is what a great number of students take as a valuable, moral end. 39