Digital Libraries: Building Capacity through Partnerships Copyright 2005, NSDL, Shuster, Turgeon, Woycheese. This work is the intellectual property of.


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Presentation transcript:

Digital Libraries: Building Capacity through Partnerships Copyright 2005, NSDL, Shuster, Turgeon, Woycheese. This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors. John P. Woycheese – Assistant Professor, Fire Protection Engineering Pennie S. Turgeon - Director, Academic Technology and Distance Learning Helen M. Shuster – Director, Gordon Library

2 Today’s Topics Impetus for Project Introduction to Digital Libraries Description of Fire and Building Library Broad Implications

3 Video Clips for Classes

4 Department Collection Educational Focus  Provide centralized source of multimedia materials for classroom  Develop multimedia for inclusion  Collect materials from outside sources  Allow access to materials via web-based interface Project is ongoing Collection led to partnerships

5 Journal Articles, Reports, and References Multimedia Resources  Animations, Video Clips, and Images  Equipment and Methodologies in Situ Existing Tools, Calculators, and Aids Desired Information

6 Desired Information (  ) Experiment Data

7 EDaFS Experiment Database for Fire Science (EDaFS)  Serves as online data warehouse  Replaces/augments existing schema Data can be accessed through Virtual Reality environment Currently in beta with data from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)


9 Digital Library Vision The Fire Science and Building Community needs an online locus that provides access to “all” pertinent resources

10 What makes a Library - a Library?

11 What is a Digital Library? Documents Interactive Modules Exhibits Maps Services Tools Videos Data Sets Animations Images Visualizations Lesson Plans News Communities of Practice Professional Development Remotely Operated Instruments Test Banks

12 National “Science” Digital Library National Science Foundation’s online library of resources for STEM education. Established to initiate and support improvements in STEM education at all levels (K-12, Higher Education, and Lifelong Learning) Provides organized and coordinated access to collections and services from resource builders and collectors.

13 Who’s Involved in the NSDL? NSDL is a work in progress being built by community participation… Universities Research Laboratories Government Agencies Publishers Professional Organizations Content Providers Museums Teachers Students Researchers Scientists Librarians Technology Experts Media Professionals Instructional Designers

14 Four Facets of NSDL Collections & Services Educational Innovation Technical Innovation Leveraged Partnerships A library of exemplary educational collections and services A center for innovation in science education A locus of technical innovation for educational digital libraries A leveraging partnership among resource/service providers

15 Why Do We Need NSDL? NSDL Repository Services Core Integration and Research Pathways (Collections)

16 Aggregator and Resource Gateway for the fire science and building communities and repository for collections of pedagogically sound content.  Develop high quality materials for instruction  Provide access to fire science data sets and imagery  Create discovery and distribution systems  Support developed services  Facilitate communication networks for collaboration Fire and Building Educational Resource Collection

17 Questions to be Answered Who will use FABERC? Why? How would they use FABERC? What new capabilities can FABERC offer? How does FABERC enhance research and education infrastructure?

18 Questions to be Answered cont. How do we broaden availability of FABERC? What are the best means to reach users? What may be the benefits of FABERC to society? How does FABERC involve underrepresented groups?

19 Create a governance structure Catalog existing resources Develop, test and publish the portal Assess the project outcomes Disseminate the results Project Tasks

20 Responsibilities Fire Protection Engineering  Project Management  Content Expertise – disciplinary and practical  Professional Contacts  Instructional Design and Assessment Academic Technology Center  Project Management  Systems Engineering and Support  Media Production and Technology Experts  Instructional Design and Assessment

21 Responsibilities cont. Gordon Library  Project management  Digital library experience  Metadata  Systems integration  Collection Development Web Development Office  Graphic design  Web design and development  Online survey experience

22 Existing Resources Fire related  Special collection  Technical reports  Theses and dissertations ENCompass software  Local digital library creation capability  Multimedia digital objects  Searches complete metadata for retrieval

23 Wildfire on the Web

24 FABERC Search

25 Definitions Metadata Description of digital objects using prescribed data elements Dublin Core Standard set of metadata elements Open Archives Initiative (OAI) Metadata harvesting for interoperability

26 Create a governance structure Catalog existing resources Develop, test and publish the portal Assess the project outcomes Disseminate the results Project Tasks

27 Create a Governance Structure Fire community, WPI, DLESE Defined policies to address needs Established Collection policies  Based on DLESE model  Copyright issue

28 Catalog Existing Resources Selected library resources for inclusion Developed/created specialized metadata Determined vocabulary– LC, InFire, Local Created repositories for different types of content  Virtual Reality files and other multimedia  Text documents  Fire experiment data

29 Metadata Description

30 Digital Objects Reports and ArticlesPhotographs

31 Digital Objects Animations

32 Develop, Test, and Publish Portal Created homepage for FABERC Developed logo Enabled search from within FABERC

33 Assess Project Outcomes Reviewing results of survey Reworking metadata structure Evaluating software Refining Portal based on feedback

34 Disseminate Results Held conference in Gaithersburg  Explored needs of intended audience  Demonstrated data tools  Elicited feedback on policies and logo Surveyed fire science community Creating awareness  Presentations at conferences  s to potential users and providers  Announcements on subject-oriented Web sites

35 Where Do We Go From Here? Sustainability Vocabularies Contributors Raise Awareness Open Archives Initiative

36 Significance 1.Relevance to other Institutions 2.Options for involvement 3.Lessons Learned

37 Relevance to Others Adapt to similar projects with other content Meet new challenges to instruction  Scattered content  Non-traditional materials Develop new expertise Participate in national effort

38 Options for Involvement Build new collection Make existing collection or materials available to broader audience Feed existing digital library

39 Lessons Learned Partnerships critical for success  internal  external Don’t need big bucks to get involved  Can use existing resources  Staff time and effort

40 Any Burning Questions? Helen Shuster Pennie Turgeon John Woycheese Phone: