EVALUATION AND ACCREDITATION OF VETERINARY TRAINING IN EUROPE AKREDITACIJA IN EVALVACIJA VETERINARSKIH UČNIH INSTITUCIJ V EVROPI László Fodor 4th Slovanian Veterinary Congress Portorož, 18-19th November, 2011 European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE)
founded in member establishments (Europe, Turkey, Israel) international cooperation activities representation of the veterinary school running the evaluation system exchange of information mobility of students and teachers development and distribution of teaching material present proposals to the European Commission
Legal background 78/1026/EEC, 78/1027/EEC: veterinary education, minimum requirements 78/1028/EEC: Advisory Committee on Veterinary Training (ACVT) pilot study 1992 responsibility of the program was passed to EAEVE 1993 ACVT report on basic veterinary education 2000 ACVT disbanded, Joint Education Committee (JEC) was formed with FVE 2005/36/EC
Legal background 2005/36/EC: Recognition of Professional Qualifications veterinary surgeons medical doctors, nurses responsible for general care, dentists, pharmacists, midwifes, architects
Veterinary curriculum 2005/36/EC: Recognition of Professional Qualifications at least 5 years (average 5.5y), university training adequate knowledge on basic sciences healthy animals, husbandry, reprod., hygiene, nutrition behaviour, protection diseases of animals (individual, herd), zoonoses preventive medicine food hygiene, food safety laws, regulations, administrative provisions clinical and practical experience
Legal background 2005/36/EC: Recognition of Professional Qualifications aim: comparable education programs graduates capable of working with all species in all fields of veterinary medicine general training (omnipotence) tracking
Compulsory subjects Basic subjects Physics Chemistry Animal biology Plant biology Biomathematics
Basic sciences Anatomy, histology, embryology Physiology Biochemistry Genetics Pharmacology Pharmacy Toxicology Microbiology Immunology Epidemiology Professional ethics
Clinical sciences Obstetrics Pathology, pathological anatomy Parasitology Clinical medicine, surgery, anaesthetics (hands-on) Clinical lectures on various animal species Preventive medicine Radiology Reproduction, reproductive disorders Veterinary state medicine and public health Veterinary legislation and forensic medicine Therapeutics, propaedeutics
Animal production Animal nutrition Agronomy Rural economics Animal husbandry Veterinary hygiene Animal ethology and protection
Food hygiene Inspection and control of animal foodstuffs or foodstuffs of animal origin Food hygiene and technology Practical work (in places of slaughtering, processing of foodstuffs)
Evaluation of veterinary training in Europe 2005/36/EC „voluntary based evaluation” run in cooperation with the FVE only regulated profession with international evaluation peer review reasons increased trade of animals and foods transboundary diseases provide service with full freedom
Evaluation of veterinary training in Europe Based on Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Self Evaluation report visit (team of 7) curriculum, organisation, infrastructure, teaching, case load, animal welfare Decision: European Committee on Veterinary Education (ECOVE) published:
Evaluation Stage I approval the Faculty conforms with Directive 2005/36/EC, regarding the training of veterinary surgeons Stage II accreditation the Faculty is following generally accepted and appropriate academic standards and providing learning opportunities of acceptable quality
Status of veterinary schools in Europe SchoolsNumber of schools EAEVE member schools98 Accredited3 Approved50 Conditionally approved3 Not approved12 Not visited, pending30
Future continuous change changing demands of the society new areas of activity general training + tracking increasing importance of postgraduate training increasing importance of specialisation internationalisation
Aims membership in the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) international harmonisation of the evaluation systems thanks for the colleagues involved in the evaluation