New Testament Challenge #parkNTC
Park’s recent churchwide survey Source: Gallup 17% of our body reads the Bible daily 62% indicate reading the Bible on a weekly basis.
Bottom line at Park: Source: Gallup Those in small group are more likely to read their Bible and pray on a regular basis.
The truth? Source: Gallup Many of us have a hard time connecting with the Bible.
The number of Bible readers has fallen by one fifth in a single generation’s time. Source: Gallup That’s like 700 people giving up on the Bible every day.
4 out of 5 of us Source: REVEAL don’t get the help we need understanding Scripture.
What’s keeping us from engaging God’s Word?
1. We read in fragments.
2. We read without context.
3. We read in isolation.
A better Bible experience is possible.
experienced in community the complete Bible understood in context
The New Testament Challenge every small group | every campus
Chapter and verse numbers are eliminated No paragraph headings or study notes Natural section breaks restored A book order that promotes better understanding of the story Introductions that reveal the context of each book A Bible designed to be read from beginning to end It starts with a different kind of Bible.
But this is also different approach to the Bible.
We’ll read the entire New Testament in 8 weeks. We’ll share the journey together.
How it works...
Read (or listen). 12 pages a day, 5 days a week. ±
Read (or listen). All it takes is around 20 minutes a day.
Share the journey. More “big picture reading” than “deep dive Bible study.”
Remember... We’re reading big. (And we’re in this together.)
5 questions: 1. What was new or compelling to you? 2. What questions did you have? 3. Was there anything that bothered you? 4. What did you learn about loving God? 5. How might this change the way we live? (Gospel Focused).
5 tips for reading 1. Read what you can. 2.Read daily. 3.Be fully present. 4.Don’t skip the book intros. 5.Don’t worry about the parts you don’t understand.
Practically speaking 1. Encourage everyone to purchase a copy (e- version and daily s are available). 2.Follow the reading guide found on the bookmark 3.Read the leaders guide a week ahead to prepare your group 4.Follow the suggested time line & outline in the Leader’s Guide
Small group time allotment Opening Prayer (5 minutes) Reflecting questions 5 questions for the reading (30-60 minutes) Final Reflections. Give everyone a chance to share a response to question # 5. (10 minutes) ACTS Prayer. (10-15 minutes) Overview from the Leader’s Guide. (5-10 minutes)
Exercise: Leading The New Testament Challenge Choose a group leader Give everyone 5 minutes to read, “Invitation to 2 Timothy,” and “2 Timothy,” on pages (week #4, see Leader Guide notes on page 18) Once everyone is finished reading, group leader leads discussion with 5 questions: (10 minutes for discussion) What was new or compelling to you? What questions did you have? Was there anything that bothered you? What did you learn about loving God? How might this change the way we live? (gospel focus)
3 Additional Questions: 1.How do you mean? 2.Tell me (us) more about that. 3.Help me (us) understand a little bit more about ________. The 5 NTC Questions: What was new or compelling to you? What questions did you have? Was there anything that bothered you? What did you learn about loving God? How might this change the way we live? (gospel focus)
Leader Huddle (20 minutes) What is one thing that encourages you about the NT Challenge? What will be the greatest “hurdle” to overcome with the NT Challenge in your group? How do you deal with that? What help/coaching do you need?
Leader Huddle (20 minutes) How will you use the NTC to promote spiritual growth and maturity in your small group members? What is one truth about God that will help you lead well in this season?
#ParkNTC Resources: Bible study resources: New Testament Challenge