Design of Hydraulic Structure Subject Code:180601 Lecture Tutorial Total Mid TW/Viva GTU Ex Credit 3 2 5 hr 30 50 70 150 5
Module-I: Elements of Dam Engineering [14] Introductory perspectives, Embankment types and Characteristics Concrete dams and characteristics- Spillways and ancillary works Site assessment and selection of type of dam
Module-II : Embankment dam engineering [14] Nature and classification of soil- Engineering Characteristics of soil, principles of design – Material and construction- Internal Earthen Dam Design [Seepage – Stability and stresses, Settlement and deformation in rock fill embankments]
Module-III :Concrete dam engineering [14] Loading -Concepts and criteria, Gravity dam analysis design features and stability Elementary profile of gravity dam Concrete for dams Roller compacted concrete gravity dams
Module- IV: Dam outlet works [14] Spillways Ogee spillway - cavitations on spillway Design feature design principles and design of spillways Chute spillways Energy dissipation stilling basins plunge pools
Module-V: Drop Structure [14] Sarda fall Glacis fall Design principles Cross regulator, head regulator and functions
Text Books 1) Title :Design of Hydraulic Structure Author: Prof. R k Jain Publisher : Mahajan Publishing House
Reference Books 1) Title :Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures Author: Santosh Kumar Garg Publisher : Khanna Publishers 2) Title : Irrigation, Hydro Power and Water Resources Engineering Author : Dr K R Arora Publisher : Standard Publication
Internal Exam Paper Style Q-1 a 5 b Q-2 OR Q-3
GTU Exam Paper Style Q-1 a 7 b Q-2 OR Q-3
Q-4 a 7 b OR Q-5
Prepared by, Dr Dhruvesh Patel