MOOD AND THE DECISION TO PURCHASE HIGH-TECH PRODUCTS Olga Patosha Department of Psychologygy MSc Businessss Psychoogy Higher School of Economics, Moscow,
High-Tech Products market Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 2014 pto photo New products always appear Big amount of producing companies Market overloading Determinants of consumer behavior?
Emotions and purchasing pto photo people in good mood evaluated products more positive than people in a bad mood: evaluation of production just launched (Forgas, 1995), production which is about to be launched (Barone, 2005), production which has already be purchased (Isen, 1987).
Evaluation of attributes Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 2014 pto photo A key stage in the purchase decision making process is the evaluation of product attributes. At this stage, a customer makes his mind about product features which are significant for him, and then uses these criteria while choosing a product.
How Emotional State Can Influences the Selection of Attributes pto photo 1.people in a good mood tend to perceive and remember positive things about an item, while people in a bad mood tend to see and remember negative things. 2.people who are experiencing positive emotions tend to spend less time and effort researching information about the product compared to those who are experiencing negative emotions 3.people experiencing positive emotions tend to make more optimistic projections and are more likely to take risks, particularly if the potential loss is not too high, as opposed to people experiencing negative emotions
pto photo The study objective is to investigate the effect of mood on the way people assessed different attributes of tablets. We assume that depending on their current mood, people look for certain product characteristics in making purchasing decisions.
Sample pto photo Respondents who recently purchased tablet computer took part in the preliminary stage of investigation (7 male and 3 female, age - from 23 to 31 years (M = 26.4, SD = 3). The sample of the main study included 64 subjects (40 men and 24 women, age - from 20 to 35 years (M = 26.2, SD = 4.5). All respondents were going to buy tablet, but never had done it before, so they had no experience of purchasing this product.
Preliminary Study a technique for evaluating the strategies people use to research product information before buying was designed. function (quality, reliability, memory, processor speed); appearance (screen size, weight, design, colour); cost and service (price, discounts, warranty, customer support); popularity (brand awareness, advertising, friends' opinions).
Main Study Group 1 Group 2 HAM Scale (Health-Activity-Mood) Attribute of Tablet PC evaluation technique
Conclusion 1.product’s appearance were more important for people with positive emotions, whereas people in a bad mood value simple models 2.the tendency to risk- seeking behavior in the positive mood 3.the importance of external sources of information for people in a good mood 4.the importance of the popular models for subjects in a positive state.
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