The Japanese Tsunami Year 8
Bell Work- Notes in Back of Book
Lesson Objectives 1. I understand what a tsunami is and can explain how it is caused 2. I can state a range of causes, effects and responses to the tsunami in Japan, I can be a team worker and an independent enquirer, coming up with my own questions about the tsunami
Objective 1 I understand what a tsunami is and can explain how it is caused Objective 2 I can state a range of causes, effects and responses to the tsunami in Japan, 2011 Objective 3 I can be a team worker and an independent enquirer, coming up with my own questions about the tsunami Assess Starter- Jigsaw! In groups of 4, try and complete the jigsaw of the Earth
Objective 1 I understand what a tsunami is and can explain how it is caused Objective 2 I can state a range of causes, effects and responses to the tsunami in Japan, 2011 Objective 3 I can be a team worker and an independent enquirer, coming up with my own questions about the tsunami Assess Explanation of Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes and Tsunamis
Objective 1 I understand what a tsunami is and can explain how it is caused Objective 2 I can state a range of causes, effects and responses to the tsunami in Japan, 2011 Objective 3 I can be a team worker and an independent enquirer, coming up with my own questions about the tsunami Assess Where is Japan?
Objective 1 I understand what a tsunami is and can explain how it is caused Objective 2 I can state a range of causes, effects and responses to the tsunami in Japan, 2011 Objective 3 I can be a team worker and an independent enquirer, coming up with my own questions about the tsunami Assess Cause/Effect/Response Causes are things that have an impact on something else. What makes something else happen. e.g. A cause of me being fat is me eating a lot of chocolate e.g. A cause of a hurricane is strong winds An effect is what impact that has on something else. e.g. An effect of me eating a lot of chocolate is me being fat e.g. An effect of a hurricane is that people’s homes fall apart A Response is what is done after the event (possibly to stop it happening again) e.g. A response to me being fat is for me to do more exercise e.g. A response to a hurricane is to rebuild houses and improve prediction.
Objective 1 I understand what a tsunami is and can explain how it is caused Objective 2 I can state a range of causes, effects and responses to the tsunami in Japan, 2011 Objective 3 I can be a team worker and an independent enquirer, coming up with my own questions about the tsunami Assess Your Turn… In your books, underneath the title, “Japan Tsunami, 11 th March 2011”, draw the following table… CauseEffectResponse
Objective 1 I understand what a tsunami is and can explain how it is caused Objective 2 I can state a range of causes, effects and responses to the tsunami in Japan, 2011 Objective 3 I can be a team worker and an independent enquirer, coming up with my own questions about the tsunami Assess Your Turn… Whilst watching the video, decide if each image is a cause, effect or response to the tsunami of 2011 and write A, B, C etc. in the correct column qXNcDFZ5O0
Objective 1 I understand what a tsunami is and can explain how it is caused Objective 2 I can state a range of causes, effects and responses to the tsunami in Japan, 2011 Objective 3 I can be a team worker and an independent enquirer, coming up with my own questions about the tsunami Assess Assess… Now write at least a paragraph in your books explaining what you’ve learnt so far. The following words may help you with your answer… Tectonic plates, friction, tsunami, earthquake, cause, effect, response, Japan, magnitude, richter scale
Objective 1 I understand what a tsunami is and can explain how it is caused Objective 2 I can state a range of causes, effects and responses to the tsunami in Japan, 2011 Objective 3 I can be a team worker and an independent enquirer, coming up with my own questions about the tsunami Assess Mark your Partner Has your partner done enough writing? Have they clearly explained everything they’ve learnt so far? You decide…. Green for Yes Yellow for Nearly Red for Needs to write more
Objective 1 I understand what a tsunami is and can explain how it is caused Objective 2 I can state a range of causes, effects and responses to the tsunami in Japan, 2011 Objective 3 I can be a team worker and an independent enquirer, coming up with my own questions about the tsunami Assess Development Compass Rose In Geography, we like to use questions The development compass rose is one tool that we can use to help us ask questions about photos
Objective 1 I understand what a tsunami is and can explain how it is caused Objective 2 I can state a range of causes, effects and responses to the tsunami in Japan, 2011 Objective 3 I can be a team worker and an independent enquirer, coming up with my own questions about the tsunami Assess Photo Task In your groups of 4… Using the compass rose, come up with at least 3 questions in each category for your photo You each have a different coloured pen. You need at least 3 questions in each colour to show you’ve all contributed. When you’ve come up with your questions, try and answer them as a group
Objective 1 I understand what a tsunami is and can explain how it is caused Objective 2 I can state a range of causes, effects and responses to the tsunami in Japan, 2011 Objective 3 I can be a team worker and an independent enquirer, coming up with my own questions about the tsunami Assess Pass the Geography Parcel Plenary