STCF Prayer Ministry Ministry Plan: DOPD Year of our Lord: 2013
STCF Prayer Ministry Minister Virginia Brown, Director
Scriptural Justification: Goal: To provide continuous prayer support to the people of God. “And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and notto faint.”(Luke 18:1)
Morning Prayer Line: ` Every morning Monday-Friday jump start your day with prayer! 7:00-7:15 a.m Pin #:
Prayer Themes for the year: Prayer Focus: January: A Closer Walk Emphasis: The Relational Nature of God, Tools for Healthy Relationships
Prayer Themes for the year: Prayer Focus: February-March: A Love Walk Emphasis: Relationships and Forgiveness
Prayer Themes for the year: Prayer Focus: April-July: An Effective Walk Emphasis: Being An Example and Measuring Progress
Prayer Themes for the year: Prayer Focus: August-October: An Active Walk Emphasis: Goal Setting/Managing Yourself
Prayer Themes for the year: Prayer Focus: November-December: A Notable Walk Emphasis: Community Impact
How you can be involved: 1.Call in and join us in the morning. 2.Call your family and friends to join in. They can call from all over the country. 3.Spread the word that prayer is going on!
STCF Prayer Ministry Ministry Plan: DOPD Year of our Lord: 2013