SASPARM 2.0 Proposal presented in the DG ECHO scheme – 2014 Call for Proposals – Preparedness and prevention projects in civil protection and marine pollution. EU funding scheme. Consortium: Eucentre (Coordinator), IUSS-Pavia and An-Najah National University. Endorsement of the Italian Civil Protection Department. Support from Nablus Municipality; Engineers Association - Jerusalem Center; National Agency for Disaster Risk Mitigation - Palestine; Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction - Regional office of Arab States; Italian Civil Protection Department; Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation; ImageCat, Inc. – California). EC financial contribution requested: EUR ( = 75% of total eligible costs). Duration in months: 24 Staring date: January 01, 2015 Consortium
SASPARM 2.0 Consortium Eucentre – EC Contribution € 225,174 EUCENTRE promote and support research and education in the field of seismology, geology, geotechnical engineering, hazard and risk assessment, flooding vulnerability assessment, ecological approach and emergency management, Re-insurance market IUSS – EC Contribution € 172,317 ANU was originally established as An-Najah Nabulsi School in 1918 in the Palestinian city of Nablus. In 1977 it became a full-fledged university and it is now the largest university in Palestine. The Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering Center (ESSEC) at NNU was established in October 1996 in the city of Nablus. It is the only specialized center in earthquake engineering in the West Bank or Gaza Strip ANU – EC Contribution € 102,493 IUSS offers advanced international undergraduate and graduate programs through: Undergraduate Internal courses open, on a merit base, to the most promising students of University of Pavia. Level II University Master degrees, fully taught in English providing a strong International approach. PhD Degrees providing an interdisciplinary point of view and exposure to cutting edge research.
SASPARM 2.0 The need for prevention in the field of seismic risk is strongly required and this encouraged the new proposal It represents a strategic avenue and a comprehensive advance of the post-SASPARM environment and involves the same Consortium Its core is the development of a web portal where different users (students/citizens/practitioners/GO and NGO stakeholders) will be able to input and manage data regarding buildings, with increasing level of detail, obtaining information on the related seismic risk Protocols to acquire data through guided procedures will be also available on the web portal to support a better understanding of each case study. Increasing levels of knowledge will correspond to increasing reliability of the results in terms of seismic risk Since February 2013 Nablus became the first Palestinian city to join the UNISDR's Making Cities Resilient Campaign. Hence, undertaking the activities identified in SASPARM 2.0 will represent a natural evolution for the Palestinian Partner within a collaborative European framework for mitigation of seismic risk Back ground information
SASPARM 2.0 guidelinesdata tools Project overview - tasks
SASPARM 2.0 The increase of risk perception by citizens and the development of the citizens’ science The capacity building of local practitioners and building contractors The engagement of local stakeholders and policy makers leading them to establish plans of prevention in the development of urban resilience strategies Project overview – main targets Project overview – expected results An increased awareness of seismic risk by the actors involved in the project: students, citizens, practitioners, GO and NGO stakeholders A shared database (DB) including a large number of vulnerability data. A Web-Based Platform (WBP) that integrates the data above and treats them, through vulnerability models developed for the Palestinian building typologies, to evaluate seismic risk Guidelines on the implementation of measures to reduce vulnerability and, hence, mitigate seismic risk Guidelines for risk management policy aimed at mitigating the impact of socio-economic losses
SASPARM 2.0 Gantt and deliverables JAN/15JAN/16 A Tasks Management and reporting to the Commission DIC/16 GA; CA; PWP PM, Brussels PM - Pavia PM, Brussels PM - Pavia PM - Nablus PM - Pavia Finantial Report Technical Report Finantial Report Technical Report Finantial Report Technical Report B Collection of vulnerability data on buildings Report on Structural Typol. Paper format of collection form. Istructions Electronic format and App
SASPARM 2.0 Gantt and deliverables JAN/15JAN/16 D Tasks Training for targeted groups (citizens, university students, stakeholders, practitioners) DIC/16 Gudelines on ins. policy C Prevention and mitigation of seismic vulnerability, Report on retr. measures Tool to link to vuln. data Training courses for practitioners and contractors Training &multimedia material E Development of guidelines for risk management policy considering the socio- economic impact PM (stakeholders, risk experts) Report on resp. to emergency
SASPARM 2.0 Gantt and deliverables JAN/15JAN/16 G Tasks Development of the Web- Based Platform (WBP) for seismic risk mitigation DIC/16 F Development and implementation of vulnerability models for the evaluation of seismic risk Report on fragility curves & validation rep. H Publicity Dissemination & exploitation plan – web portal SW requirements &SW architecture Beta vesion WBPvesion 1 WBP Plan to mantain WBP Newsletter, multimedia & project material PM Exploitation study & dissemination report & Lauman’s report Final conference
SASPARM 2.0 Project follow up To extend the case study of Nablus municipality not only to all the other Palestinian municipalities but also to other Third and European Countries; To engage policy makers and government to foster long-term actions to organize Palestinian stakeholders’ actions in order to favour the foundation of a Palestinian Civil Protection Mechanism that could follow the future process of vulnerability mitigation measures (after the project lifetime); To establish the concepts of risk governance to account for the possibility of earthquake insurance coverage (considering that the related cost would be reduced if private initiative in retrofitting wold be taken); To ensure the maintenance of the Web-Based Platform to collect larger amounts of data on seismic vulnerability of citizens’ properties first and public buildings next in order to keep the process of increasing awareness going on after the project lifetime. To promote new undergraduate and graduate courses on seismic risk mitigation since the training on this topic will play a fundamental role for the continuation of the project aims even after its lifetime. For this reasons, additional resources will be found to organise a new Master programme in Palestine at the An-Najah National University, covering the topics of seismic risk mitigation. This action is already strongly encouraged by the Ministry of Education.