Network developments in Europe Torild van Eck Web site: FDSN General Assembly. July 8, Perugia, Italy
Europe: Earthquake data recording current status 100 Seismological Observatoria in Europe and its surroundings (+ ~ 80 university and research institutes) GEOFON (GFZ) and Geoscope (IPGP) operate globally MedNet and some European institutes operate stations outside Europe Stations in Europe and surroundings (2007): –Permanent BB stations (not not including arrays): ~ 800 –Mobile BB stations: ~> 400 –Very Long Period (VLP) and gravimeters < 40 (permanent) –Short period (SP) ~ 1800 (permanent) –Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) few –Acceleration (ACC) > 3000 –(near real-time) available BB> 200
1 Nov 2000 BB stations
30 Apr 2005
BB stations 1 Jan 2007
1 Apr 2007 BB stations
ORFEUS: Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology [European NGO – Waveform data] EMSC: European Mediterranean Seismological Center [European NGO – Parameter data] NERIES: Network of Research Infrastructures in Earthquake Seismology [EC-project] GITEWS: German – Indian Ocean Tsunami Early Warning System [GFZ project] Current European scale organizations and some major relevant projects
Objective: Integrated archiving of and access to European seismological data Project coordinator: Domenico Giardini (ORFEUS/ETHZ) Project manager: Torild van Eck (ORFEUS/KNMI) Participants: ORFEUS, EMSC + 23 institutes; 13 European countries Duration: June 1, 2006 – May 31, 2010 EC-contribution: 12.1 M€ Project web pages: Strategy and EC funding constraints: Networking and integrating existing infrastructures Access to specialized European infrastructures. Implement tools to improve infrastructures and use of data. Hardware funding not included (only participants initiatives) NEtwork of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology Research Infrastructure EC-project NERIES
1 Jan 2003 VEBSN Virtual European Broadband Seismograph Network (VEBSN)
Virtual European Broadband Seismograph Network (VEBSN) 1 Jan 2004 VEBSN
Virtual European Broadband Seismograph Network (VEBSN) 30 Apr 2005 VEBSN
30 Jan 2007 VEBSN Virtual European Broadband Seismograph Network (VEBSN)
1 June 2007 VEBSN Virtual European Broadband Seismograph Network (VEBSN)
Regional Virtual network: example Slovakia Regional virtual networks Based on the VEBSN Relevance VEBSN for national and regional networks: Improving national and regional earthquake information services by extending networks across national borders. Back-up archiving. Assistance with Quality Control.
European Integrated Data Center (EIDAC) Communication Model Regional FDSN archive: NERIES project NA3) GFZ
NERIES Ongoing developments; some examples. Workshops/meetings: Sinaia ‘Observatory coordination workshop’ (May 7-11, 2007), Eridice ‘Statistical Seismology’ (May 31 –June 6, 2007), Vienna ‘Installaton and operation of BB stations (Oct 8-11, 2007), Utrecht ‘ORFEUS workshop’ (June 2008), Barcelona ‘Observatory coordination workshop’ (May 3-7, 2008) Coordinating global XML standards for earthquake (parameter) data: QuakeML Experimenting with Web portal techniques (ORFEUS-EMSC), coordinated with Earthscope portal project. Shakemap developments in Europe coordinated with USGS Access to accelerometric data, data exchange infrastructure Access to research facilities: ETHZ, CEA, INGV, NORSAR, ZAMG!
European scale coordination of waveform data exchange It is a joint effort