Rapid data integration in Europe: EC-projects MEREDIAN and NERIES Torild van Eck (ORFEUS) Winfried Hanka (ORFEUS/GEOFON) Domenico Giardini (ORFEUS/ETHZ) Addressing an infrastructure challenge in Europe: Archival and availability of all seismological data gathered by observatories and research facilities in Europe and its surroundings. New web site:
Global and European collaboration in earthquake monitoring IASPEI (global) International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth ESC (EuroMed) European Seismological Commission FDSN (global) Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks ORFEUS (EuroMed) Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology EMSC (EuroMed) European Mediterranean Seismological Center Board of Directors Executive Committee Participants Assembly of all members Coordination bureau Executive Council
Europe: waveform data >100 Seismological Observatoria in Europe and its surroundings (+ ~ 80 university and research institutes) Instrumentation and approximate number of stations: –Broadband (BB) ~ 500 (permanent) (not not including arrays) –Very Long Period (VLP) ~ < 40 (permanent) and gravimeters –Short period (SP) ~ 1500 (permanent) –Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) few –Acceleration (ACC) > 1000 –Mobile BB (Germany, France, UK, Switzerland, Netherlands, … ) > 300
Europe: waveform data exchange Organisation and international agreements: Bilateral agreements Project based agreements –Geofon (GFZ, Europe/Global), MedNet (INGV, EuroMed), Geoscope (IPGP, Global) European scale agreement –ORFEUS (Multinational funded foundation) ORFEUS (with the FDSN) pursues free data exchange for research. Technologies (selection): (Near) real-time data exchange – SeedLink, Internet, VSAT, telephone, radio-link. FTP – based mechanisms AutoDRM – protocol (ETHZ) In development and being implemented at ODC: – WebDC (GFZ-WWW), DHI (IRIS-internet)
Europe: waveform data and funding National observatories (France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, UK, etc.) –Usually (semi) governmental institutions. –Funding: national national (risk) motives Research projects (Geoscope(F), Geofon (D), MedNet (I)) –Universities and (research) organisations projects –Funding: mainly national (national) research priorities ORFEUS (European NGO - foundation) –BB data archiving and exchange coordination EuroMed area –Funding: Corporate founders (13) and EC projects (EU) –EU emphasises applied research funding (security, environment) IRIS DMC (American NGO ) –BB event data and continuous data (USA + core FDSN) –Funding: National, US National Science Foundation (NSF)
Towards a European seismological data infrastructure EC-projects and European strategy by ORFEUS and EMSC: Parameter and waveform data exchange (AutoDRM): EMSC & KNMI/ORFEUS: Transfrontier ( ) Automatic parameter data exchange and European alerts: EMSC & KNMI/ORFEUS: Rapid warning ( ) European unified catalogue: EMSC: EPSI ( ) Continuous RT waveform data exchange and secure archiving: ORFEUS: MEREDIAN ( ) European core of comprehensive data availability: ORFEUS & EMSC: NERIES (2006–2010)
1 Nov 2000 BB stations
30 Apr 2005
MEREDIAN EC-project Mediterranean-European Rapid Earthquake Data Information and Archiving Network EC-contract: EVR MEREDIAN consortium: 18 participants (national observatories) Coordination: Torild van Eck (ORFEUS/KNMI) Duration: November 1, April 30, 2005 Goal:Initialize real-time waveform data exchange in Europe and facilitate access to archived data. WP1: Improving and securing data archival WP2: Improving rapid cross border data exchange WP3: Developing a distributed European seismological archive WP4: Seismological software co-ordination
VEBSN 1 Jan 2003
1 Jan 2004 VEBSN
30 Apr 2005 VEBSN
MEREDIAN CONSORTIUM (18 participants) Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) co-ordinatorNL Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN)E Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)I National Observatory of Athens / Institute of Geodynamics (NOA-IG)EL GeoforschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ)D Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)F Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamic (ZAMG)A Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ)CH Norwegian Seismic Array (NORSAR)NO Environmental Agency Republic Slovenia (EARS)SI Geophysical Institute Academy of Sciences Czech Republic (IG-ASCR)CZ Geophysical Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences (GISAS)SK National Inst. of Research and Development for Earth Physics (NIEP)RO Geophysical Institute Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS-GI)BG Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences (IGFPAS)PL University of Malta (UOM)MT Geological Survey of Estonia (GSE)EE Geod. Geoph. Res. Inst. Hungarian Academy Sciences (GGRI-HAS) HU
VEBSNVEBSN 130 stations: MEREDIAN consortium (18) and 18 other agencies: Geological Survey of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus. Danish National Survey and Cadaster, Seismology, Copenhagen, Denmark Geoscope, Dép. de Sismologie, Inst. de Physique du Globe, Paris, France. ReNaSS, Strasbourg/Nice/Grenoble, France. German Regional Seismograph Network, Erlangen, Germany Geophysical Institute of Israel, Lod, Israel. Ist. Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, Trieste, Italy Dipartimento di Scienze dellla Terra, University of Trieste, Italy. Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain Real Observatorio de la Armada, San Fernando, Spain Observatori de l'Ebre, Roquettes, Spain Swedish Defense Agency, Stockholm, Sweden. Bogazici University, Kandilli Observatory and ERI, Istanbul, Turkey. British Geological Survey, Edinburgh, UK. Atomic Weapons Establishment, Seismology, Blacknest, UK IRIS/IDA network, Univ. of California, Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, USA. IRIS/USGS network, USGS Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory, USA. VEBSN contributors (April 2005)
Network of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology EC-project Integrated Research Infrastructures (I3): Network Activities (8) Transnational Access (6) Joint Research Activities (5) Goal: Integrate European seismological data and data access Coordination: Domenico Giardini (ORFEUS) Participants: ORFEUS, EMSC and 23 institutes from 13 European countries Duration: four years; start beginning 2006 (?) NERIES EC-project
Data – Products Seismological Infrastructures Portal NA7, TA1 Direct access to infrastructures TA2-3 Research Community Users – Producers Access to specific infrastructures TA4-5 Technology Transfer NA8 Improve use of infrastructures JRA4-5 New tools to improve Infrastructures and use of data JRA1-3 Network infrastructures NA2-6 NERIES
Networking Activities (NA) NA1 – Project Management NA2 – Real-time data exchange NA3 – Distributed European waveform data archive NA4 – Distributed European historical data archive NA5 – Improving access to accelerometer data NA6 – Broadband OBS networking NA7 – Portal for integrated data access NA8 – Technology Transfer (workshops, exchange grants) Transnational Access (TA) TA1 – European seismological data access facility (ORFEUS-EMSC) TA2 – Historical seismograms; SISMOS (INGV) TA3 – Instrumentation test facility; CONRAD (ZAMG) TA4 – Array seismology; NORSAR TA5 – Verification seismology; DASE TA6 – Dense broadband network seismology; SDSN/ETHZ NERIES NERIES specifics
Joint Research Activities (JRA) JRA1 – European seismological reference model JRA2 – Real-time hazard tools JRA3 – Geotechnical site characterization JRA4 – Shake-maps and rapid loss estimation JRA5 – Data mining tools NERIES NERIES specifics
ORFEUS regional FDSN archive: distributed European waveform data archive