Northern African networks and links to European networks Marco Olivieri INGV, Rome Orfeus WG II.


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Presentation transcript:

Northern African networks and links to European networks Marco Olivieri INGV, Rome Orfeus WG II

Euro-African Seismicity

Earthquake Monitoring at regional scale Quick RCMT for the 07 Feb 2005 Mw 5.1 occurred in Tunisia (courtesy of Silvia Pondrelli)

Short Period Networks Morocco : 57 Algeria : 55 Tunisia : 19 Lybia : 1 Egypt : 72

Algeria Craag runs a network of 21 telemetered SP vertical stations + 6 stand-alone.


4 Broad-Band Stations were deployed in Northern Africa in the ‘90s: –KEG (Kottami, Egypt) Closed, –GFA (Gafsa, Tunisia) Closed, planned survey field trip for early summer 2005 –MEB (Medea, Algeria) Broken since 1994, hope to reopen it in 2005 –MDT (Midelt, Morocco) replaced by RTC (Rabat City). MDT will be a CTBT site

RTC, Rabat Morocco Operating in Real-Time since 2002 (Open) Equiped with STS-1 and Quanterra Q680 Mantained in cooperation with Laboratoire de Geophysique, CNRS, Rabat We learned: Remote places are perfect but not maintainable! Strong cooperation with local Seismological Institutes is necessary


Presently 4 Geoscope stations in the area, all of them do not have Real-Time connection: –TAM (Tamarraset, Algeria): will be updated with RT SATELLITE connection in 2005 –ATD (Arta Tunnel, Djibouti) was duplicated by a CTBT station that do not work at present. –MBO (Mbour, Senegal) –BNG (Bangui, Centre Afrique) operated in cooperation with CERD (Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche de Djibouti). Closed in 2001 –Hopefully reopened in 2005

ORFEUS is the European non-profit organisation that aims at coordinating and promoting digital, broad-band seismology in Europe. orfeus

Source: ORFEUS WG1 Permanent BB Seismic stations in and around Europe

Real-time waveform data Status Dec 2004 ~ 120 stations connected Red triangle real-time connection Orange triangle delay > 1 hour Yellow triangle pending connection Blue squares contributing observatories Virtual European Broadband Seismic Network (VEBSN)

EUROPEAN-MEDITERRANEAN SEISMOLOGICAL CENTRE CENTRE SISMOLOGIQUE EURO-MEDITERRANEEN EMSC runs an Earthquake Warning System for potentially damaging earthquakes in the Euro-Med region which consists of the rapid determination of the epicentre and the dissemination of the seismic alert message within the hour following the occurrence of the earthquake. Mantains a EuroMed Bullettin integrating data provided by 58 network from Europe Northern Africa and Midlle East Play the role of catalyst and facilitator, promoting and coordinating cooperation and integration of newtorks at regional scale

Real time Seismicity/Alert 1,000 stations 51 networks 8 to 10,000 events / yr end-users pages and visitors / day

Euro Med Bulletin Rapidly (within few months) produce an homogeneous bulletin for M>3 Better location for border regions and off-shore seismicity Phase association (database) Improve data availability Coordinated with ISC networks 1,677 stations 2001: –5,191 ev. –138,719 arrival times 2002: –5,348 ev. –155,765 arrival times 2003: –6,455 ev. –185,650 arrival times

Technical projects (EC funds) EERWEM (accepted): Earthquake and Earthquake Risk in WEstern Med: –Meeting in San Fernando (Oct. 2005?) EEREEM (TBS): Earthquake and Earthquake Risk in Eastern Med: –Meeting in Cairo (spring 2006?) Dedicated to network operators Dedicated to network operators Compile the needs (regional data exchange, training, auto processing…) Compile the needs (regional data exchange, training, auto processing…) Implement existing tools (autoDRM, SeiComP…) Implement existing tools (autoDRM, SeiComP…) Prepare more ambitious projects Prepare more ambitious projects