What do I do if I suspect that my child has dyslexia? January 2007
Explanation of Early Intervention Team (EIT) process As required by federal and state laws, La Porte ISD utilizes an intervention approach for the process of referral for Dyslexia. Once a teacher or parent notes a concern with a student and referral for an evaluation for dyslexia is discussed, the campus must initiate the intervention process through the Early Intervention Team (EIT). It is important to note that an EIT may meet several times, and beyond the time period of a single school year, as they are designing various interventions, noting the student’s response to interventions (RtI) and exhausting all general education interventions prior to referral.
Possible Data Sources The EIT gathers data from numerous sources. These may include: structured observation with frequency or duration baseline data informal observations daily grades on assignments classroom participation standardized test scores, TPRI, DRA, released TAKS scores discipline referrals discrete trials work samples teacher description of work
EIT Action Recommended The goal of the 1 st EIT meeting is to ‘formalize’ any concerns the parent / teacher has about the student. EIT reviews Student Folder and gathered data. It is rare for the 1 st EIT to recommend a referral since there are generally not enough data to justify referral for formal assessment for Dyslexia. The majority of the time, the EIT recommended action will be to complete Stage 2 interventions / documentation for a minimum time period for implementation – 6 weeks.
Possible Interventions: 1. Attend reading group with literacy specialist 2. Attend counseling 3. School health services 4. bilingual / ESL program (specify when attended) 5. in-class individualized instruction 6. modified or shortened assignments 7. accommodations (e.g. 504) 8. individual tutoring before / after school – specify frequency / duration 9. reteaching – specify methodology, e.g. multi- sensory approach, visual aids 10. ability grouping 11. peer tutor 12. changed seat 13. changed class 14. behavior contract 15. allow for oral response 16. oral test administration 17. defined extended time for completing assignments 18. providing taped texts, or allowing taping of lectures
2 nd EIT If after a minimum of 6 weeks, the student is still experiencing difficulty, the EIT meets again. At this point, the EIT may add additional interventions to be implemented for an additional 6 weeks or if warranted, the student may be referred for a dyslexia assessment.
Questions about EIT?
Referral for Dyslexia Assessment Any time a student is being individually evaluated for determination of a disability, consent for assessment must be signed. If Dyslexia evaluation is warranted: Literacy Specialist will meet with parent to secure consent for Dyslexia assessment; and provide parent with a copy of the Section 504 Notice of Rights and Safeguards; secure receipt for Section 504 Notice of Rights and Safeguards; and obtain parent information.
Dyslexia Assessment continued LPISD will follow the same 60 day timeline from date of consent for dyslexia assessments Refer to the LPISD Comprehensive Written Plan for Dyslexia adopted by the board for additional information about the dyslexia assessment process.
Dyslexia Assessment continued To determine if a student has dyslexia, LPISD utilizes data from many sources in addition to a formalized assessment. These data sources include: EIT records / referral packet Parent information Observations Standardized Tests Scores – TPRI, TAKS, DRA
Dyslexia Assessment continued Diagnostician (Dyslexia Specialist) completes evaluation. Evaluation may include the following testing instruments: Woodcock-Johnson III Diagnostic Reading Battery (WJ III DRB) Gray Oral Reading Tests – 4 th Edition (GORT-4) Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP) Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE)
Dyslexia Assessment continued The Diagnostician (Dyslexia Specialist) will discuss the assessment results with parent. Literacy specialist provides evaluation results to EIT If the student meets dyslexia eligibility conditions, the EIT determines eligibility for dyslexia determines what services are needed within the Dyslexia Continuum of Services Record and records this on Student Instructional Plan for Dyslexia
Dyslexia Program Mission Statement: Students: are identified through assessment process as having dyslexia must demonstrate educational need will have access to academic interventions and / or specific instructional programming that are: research-based; and specific to the student. Program is centered on: the individual student’s needs and; the instructional program designed by: the classroom teacher other instructional specialists (e.g. reading specialist / literacy coach, speech language pathologist)
Student Classroom Teacher 3 Tier Reading Model Literacy Coach/ Dyslexia Specialist Bilingual Facilitator Student Instructional Plan Region IV Dyslexia Training READ program
Questions about Dyslexia Assessment Process?