Friendship Week Presentations Caitlin Sheridan Roisin Dunne Naoise Carroll
Friendship Week Friendship week starts on 6 th of February and ends on the 10 th. Friendship Week was made to try and show human rights and celebrate our friendship between us and other children worldwide. As Walter Winchell once said; "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
Amnesty International Amnesty International were founded in For 50 years, Amnesty International have worked tirelessly to promote awareness to human rights, worldwide friendships, the abolition of the Death Penalty!
Human Rights Human rights. What are they? Is it being able to go to your favourite shop or get the fanciest clothes? NO! Human rights are much more!
The Charter of Human Rights The right to freedom and safety The right to a proper and free education The right not be blamed until proven guilty The right to marry and have kids The right to be treated fairly no matter what race or nationality The right to proper healthcare
The Rights of a Child What rights do children have? Can they vote? No Can they marry? In some countries Do children have all the rights they should have? NO!
UN Convention on the rights of a Child The right to be with their parents or the people who look after them best The right to be with their parents or the people who look after them best The right to a free education The right to a free education The right to enough food and clean water The right to enough food and clean water The right to be protected from danger The right to be protected from danger The right to healthcare The right to healthcare The right to declare their opinions The right to declare their opinions The right not to be used as a slave The right not to be used as a slave The right not to be hurt or neglected The right not to be hurt or neglected
Johan’s Story Johan is one of the many victims put in jail for standing up for his and other people’s rights.
Friendship Bracelets Friendship bracelets come from poor, hardworking children in Guatemala. Costing a total of €2.00, these Beautiful, handcrafted bracelets can help Improve the lives of many children as the money goes to Amnesty International to help change poor children’s lives all over Guatemala.