CyPhy Test Environment for cirtical (semi-) Autonomous Systems - TEAADS Dr. Helmut Kokal, AVL List GmbH Multi Domain
Market relevance: Increasing extension of driver assistance systems in vehicles up to autonomous driving rises the need of automated test tools for cy-phy systems Highly tested safety functionality and reliability of automotive cy-phy systems such as ADAS and autonomous driving systems Guarantee efficiency and emission by the use of ADAS and aut. driving systems Legislation, driver acceptance and social acceptance are mandatory for successful establishing ADAS and autonomous driving Innovation: Automated and reproducible testing of ADAS and autonomous driving systems Business impact: More reliable and efficient testing of cy-phy systems Reduction of costs as disastrous consequences of road traffic accidents
Other potential partners Conti (DE), PTV (DE), Nat.Interested PartnersCovered Topics GERVALEOSensor development, xCU function development AUTUniversity of Linz / Prof. del ReIntegration & simulation expertise GERDaimlerRequirements, legislation, acceptance,… AUTTechnical University Graz / Prof. Horn Sensor stimuli/Micro Traffic GERTechnical University Darmstadt / Prof. Winner Sensor simulation AUTAVL List GmbHSimulation & test environment, testing methodology, systems engineering GERAVL RegensburgxCU Function Dev., Requirements GERInfineonEmbedded processors, near field sensors, combined sensors, sensor simulatiuon,
Create an integration and verification&validation environment for critical (semi-)autonomous in different domains (rail aerospace, automotive, health, efficient and save mobility, well being & health) Verification&validation of integrated systems in lab environment Significant reduction of time and cost Creation of an interoperable ecosystem of verification&validation tools (using CRYSTAL principals,…) for (semi-) autonomous CPS
Countries: A, DK, E, FR, GER, NL, PT, SWE Innovation: LE 12 SME 6 ACA 15 Interest from MANTIS and GUARD to merge TEAADS (not yet checked)
Common Test Methodologies and Tools for critical semi autonomous systems Health Rail Aerospace Automotive
WP-Sensors WP-xCU Functions & Dev. WP-Simulation Environment WP-Requirements, Test Methodology Driver Acceptance Driveability, Usability Legislation Legal checks Social Acceptance Maneuvers selection Test generation HiL, Traffic simulation, Vehicle simulation, Test Environment Sensor stimuli and/or Sensor simulation xCU for ADAS and autonomous driving Sensors for ADAS and autonomous driving WP-Test Environment SIL/MIL HIL xIL Integration Automotive Example:
Torque Stimuli &Simulation (Rest) Vehicle + powertain simulation Environment + traffic condition simulation (fog, night, rain, snow, traffic jam,..) Driver simulation Track simulation Maneuvers and test Low speed Manoever (Park,. Higher speed (ACC, lane ass,…) Ultrasonic Stimuli &Simulation Radar Stimuli &Simulation Video Stimuli &Simulation GPS stimulationsi mulation V2V + I2V simulation Navi V CU T CU E CU Lidar Stimuli &Simulation Autom.Driving Test generator