DR EBTISSAM AL-MADI Management of Information in health care organizations
Definition Health information management (HIM) is the practice of maintenance and care of information by traditional and electronic means in hospitals, physician’s office clinics, health departments, health insurance companies, and other facilities that provide health care or maintenance of health records. Health informatics and health information technology are utilized in information management.
Health care Management Administrative management Human Resources Management Financial Management Operations Management Total Quality Management
Role of Management Planning Organizing Leading Controlling Problem-solving and decision making Communication
Information needed Patient Data Demographic Data (name, address, contact, ect) Financial data Health Data and history Clinical Health data
Information needed Administrative data: Number of clinics Number of patients Number of treatments Payments Employee data
Information needed Financial Data: Cost of treatments Patient payments Salary of employees Cost of materials and expenditures Budget
Information needed Human Resources data: Employee demographic data (name, address, contact) Education and certification Financial data Work evaluation
Health Information Management Professional Definition Healthcare Information management improves the quality of health care by ensuring the best information is available to make any healthcare decision. Health information management professionals manage healthcare data and information resources.
Health information management professionals Play a critical role in the delivery of healthcare through their focus on the collection, maintenance and use of quality data to support the information- intensive and information-reliant healthcare system. They work with clinical, epidemiological, demographic, financial, reference, and coded healthcare data.
Health information administrators plan information systems, develop health policy, and identify current and future information needs.information systemshealth policy In addition, they apply the science of informatics to the collection, storage, use, and transmission of information.informatics
The profession serves the following stakeholders: Patient care organizations Payers Researchers Policy makers Other healthcare related industries
Domains of Healthcare Management Health: Patient data from birth to death in sickness and health Information: Capture, storage, and retrieval of information through different media Management: Analysis and interpretation of knowledge for managerial purposes
Health Domain Clinical data* Demographic data Financial data Research data* Reference data Coded data
Information Domain Data Reports Medical records Data dictionaries Vocabularies Storage media
Management Domain Planning: Administration Policy development Strategic Planning
Management Domain Information: Data modeling Process and workflow modeling Data capture and display design Data dictionary maintenance Access control Data Quality management Nosology
Management Domain Technical Domain: Classification and coding Abstracting Registry Development Storage Retrieval Release Analysis
Modules of HIMS (Health Information Management Systems) Administrative module Booking and registration module Financial module Patient record module (EHR ) Others? Academic Centers Research centers Labs
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