Plate Tectonics
plate tectonics-the theory that pieces of Earth’s lithosphere are in constant motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle.
If Wegener only knew… This is the current theory of how the continental plates drift Convection p.t.v.
Convection currents in the mantle moves the Lithosphere
Lithosphere- the upper mantle and the crust of the earth together.
Asthenosphere- The middle of the mantle containing convection currents
convergent boundary 2 Continental Plates cause uplift Two ocean plates cause a trench continental and oceanic plates cause a trench m
Subduction- an oceanic plate goes under a continental plate, forms trench.(type of convergent boundary) Uplift- mountain building by 2 continental plates(type of convergent boundary)
divergent boundary 2 Continental Plates= rift valley Land subsidence = land that is lowered because of divergent boundaries 2 Oceanic Plates=oceanic ridge =sea floor spreading
transform boundary e
Ring of fire
The Button! Click me
All those boundaries in one picture
Which layer would contain plates? (lithosphere) On which layer do the pieces of the lithosphere float? (asthenosphere) What force drives the movement of the plates? (convection)
Predict where earthquakes, volcanos, lift, and subduction takes place
Awesome Mid-Ocean Ridge formation animation ctonics/p_seafloorspreading.html