The Campaign for the U NIVERSITY of N ORTH C AROLINA at C HAPEL H ILL Board of Visitors The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Matthew G. Kupec Vice Chancellor for University Advancement October 2007
The Campaign for the U NIVERSITY of N ORTH C AROLINA at C HAPEL H ILL $2,245,846,73 1
The Campaign for the U NIVERSITY of N ORTH C AROLINA at C HAPEL H ILL What is Carolina First? Comprehensive University-wide campaign Timeline: July 1, 1999 – December 31, 2007 (3 months left) All gifts count (expendable, endowment, capital) Goal of $2 billion Multi-year commitments/pledges, bequests
The Campaign for the U NIVERSITY of N ORTH C AROLINA at C HAPEL H ILL Carolina First Progress Report Campaign Goal:$2.0 Billion % of Campaign Goal Raised:112% Raised to Date:$2,245,846,731 Total Gifts Received:$1,577,508,112 (71%) Gifts:$1,059,360,795 Private Grants:$476,553,212 State Matching Grants:$30,888,000 Additional Commitments:$668,338,619(29%) Outstanding Pledges:$300,617,570 Irrevocable Commitments:$427,023 Revocable Commitments:$312,294,026 Footnote: Pledge timeframe 1-10 years. Face value of deferred gifts.
The Campaign for the U NIVERSITY of N ORTH C AROLINA at C HAPEL H ILL % of Goal by School
The Campaign for the U NIVERSITY of N ORTH C AROLINA at C HAPEL H ILL % of Goal by Unit
The Campaign for the U NIVERSITY of N ORTH C AROLINA at C HAPEL H ILL Source of Funds Total % of National Committed GoalAverage Alumni$795,690,78835%28% Friends$443,116,27520%20% Foundations$590,973,22627%27% Corporations$262,418,31312%17% Other$153,648,143 6% 8%
The Campaign for the U NIVERSITY of N ORTH C AROLINA at C HAPEL H ILL UNC Annual Cash Flow Fiscal Years Carolina First Bicentennial Campaign Millions
The Campaign for the U NIVERSITY of N ORTH C AROLINA at C HAPEL H ILL Carolina First Impact Buildings 23 Buildings supported $177M secured Research $567M secured Strategic Initiatives Center for Proteomics $589M secured Faculty Support 205 Professorships $385M secured Scholarship Support 732 Scholarships/Fellowships $332M secured
The Campaign for the U NIVERSITY of N ORTH C AROLINA at C HAPEL H ILL TX FL CA $100M+ (3) $50M - $99M (9) $25M - $50M (5) $10M - $25M (4) <$10M PA ID AZ UT MT WY NM CO M I AL GA SC TN KY IN OH WV NC T ME SD KS NE MN WI IA IL MO AR L A MS OK ND OR NV WA RI DE MD MA CT NJ DC GREATER NYC NY VA Campaign Facts: Where Does the Money Come From? FL VT NH
The Campaign for the U NIVERSITY of N ORTH C AROLINA at C HAPEL H ILL Campaign Facts: Alumni Donors Total # of Alumni Donors104,073 Classes of ,005 Classes of ,549 Classes of ,519 Classes of ,656 Classes of ,739 Classes of ,178 Pre 19504,506
The Campaign for the U NIVERSITY of N ORTH C AROLINA at C HAPEL H ILL Campaign Facts: Endowment Growth Endowment 2000:$1,138,413,456 Endowment 2007:$2,178,924,581 % Increase:91.4% Endowment Return: 1 Year (2007)23.4% 3 Years ( )19.3% 5 Years ( )15.3% New Endowment Gifts: Cash$456,780,564 Pledges$452,957,999
The Campaign for the U NIVERSITY of N ORTH C AROLINA at C HAPEL H ILL Billion Dollar + Campaigns in Higher Education Commitments Secured as of September 30, 2007 SchoolSecured Status UCLA$3.0BEnded 2005 Stanford$2.91B$4.3B Goal (Ends 2011) USC$2.85BEnded 2002 Johns Hopkins$2.80B$3.2B Goal (Ends 2007) Columbia$2.79BEnded 2000 Michigan$2.66B$2.5B Goal (Ends 2008) Harvard$2.60BEnded 1999 Columbia$2.38B$4.0B Goal (Ends 2011) Univ. of Wash.$2.36B$2.5B Goal (Ends 2007) Duke$2.36BEnded 2003 UNC$2.25B$2.0B Goal (Ends 2007) NYU$2.17B$2.5B Goal (Ends 2008) Stanford$2.11BEnded 2004 MIT$2.05BEnded 2004
The Campaign for the U NIVERSITY of N ORTH C AROLINA at C HAPEL H ILL The Power of Philanthropy at Carolina In 1789, Col. Benjamin Smith gave 20,000 acres of land in western NC (now Tennessee) to be sold as a source of funds for the newly chartered University. In 1792, Chapel Hill selected over 13 other sites to host the University. The local landowners’ generosity – an offer of 1,286 acres and roughly $1,600 cash – sealed the deal. In 1798, construction began on South Building, but the money ran out after 1 ½ stories were erected. The building stood unfinished and open to the elements for 10 years, until President Joseph Caldwell traversed the state in his horse- drawn gig asking for private donations to help complete the structure. He raised $8,200, enough to finish the job. Carolina First Campaign Impact