The Evolution of Curriculum: TMCs and Local Degrees
Overview TMC and AA-T/AS-T Update Reciprocity Permissible “Local Graduation Requirements” BoG AA-T and AS-T Goals C-ID and TMC Issues Local Considerations
Administration of JusticeKinesiology Art HistoryMathematics Business AdministrationMusic Communication StudiesPsychology Early Childhood EducationPhysics Elementary EducationPolitical Science EnglishSociology GeologyStudio Arts GeographyTheater Arts HistoryComputer Science JournalismAnthropology
TMC Update Disciplines now vetting: Philosophy Spanish Disciplines recently convened
Recently Convened o Child and Adolescent Development* o Exercise Science* o Graphic Arts/Graphic Design o Health Science o Hospitality/Hotel Management o Nutrition/Food Science/Dietetics o Environmental Science/Studies * These are in addition to existing TMCs and descriptors. They are not intended to replace existing TMCs.
AA-T/AS-T Development 501 TMC aligned degrees Top 5 colleges: Fullerton 17 Pasadena 13 American River/Golden West 12 College of San Mateo, Citrus, and Ventura 11
Reciprocity CEC section Community colleges are encouraged to facilitate the acceptance of credits earned at other community colleges toward the associate degree for transfer pursuant to this section.
Reciprocity C-ID ensures course-to-course reciprocity Reciprocity for TMC Courses in Associate Degrees for Transfer (Sp 2011) ASCCC strongly urges community colleges to establish policies to allow and encourage acceptance of the courses students have taken at other colleges in a TMC-aligned degree.
Reciprocity - Example List A of the XXX TMC Choose 1 of red, green, or blue List C of the XXX TMC Any course not used in list A or B College 1 requires red for List A College 2 requires green for List A Students takes red at College 1 and then moves to College 2 What are College 2’s options?
Reciprocity - Example Choices? Ignore the law Allow red to fill the List A requirement Require the student to take green to fill List A and apply red to List C
Reciprocity - Considerations Honoring the law Preparing the student for the local CSU Ensuring that the degree awarded is consistent with the TMC
Permissible “Local Graduation Requirements”? A CC district shall not impose any requirements in addition to the requirements of this section, including any local college or district requirements, for a student to be eligible for the associate degree for transfer and subsequent admission to the California State University pursuant to Section
Permissible “Local Graduation Requirements”? Complete 12 units “in residency”? Require that 12 units “in residency” be major preparation? Require completion of CSU AH&I requirement as part of GE? Require a C in all courses for the major?
Permissible “Local Graduation Requirements”? Complete 15 units “in residency”? Can limits be placed on earning a 2 nd degree? Require that a student complete x unique/unduplicated units in the major? Can a CCC require that a student be “in good standing” before graduation? Some CCCs require a GPA of 2.25 to get off of probation.
Degree Development Goals May 22, 2012 CCCCO Memo the CCC BoG has adopted a goal of each college having AA-T and AS-T degrees approved by Fall of 2013 in 80 percent of the majors they offer in which there is a TMC and in 100 percent by Fall of 2014.
90 CCCs have courses that have been granted C-ID designations 1299 CCC courses have received C-ID designations Top 3: 1.Santa Rosa (102) 2.American River (79) 3.Hartnell (53) 11 CSU Campuses have identified 937 courses as comparable to C- ID descriptors 346 (140 AG) C-ID descriptors have been approved – in 30 disciplines 501 AA-T and AS-T degrees approved in the Chancellor’s Office C-ID and Associate Degrees for Transfer Update
Definitions Active ADT (Associate Degree for Transfer) Associate Degree Proposal Self-certified (C-ID exists) Articulation (no C-ID exists) C-ID Pending vs. C-ID Final
How to Compute 100% Goals? The number of TMCs that match with your existing AA or AS degrees (as of 12/2012) The number of AA-T and AS-T degrees that are active in the Chancellor’s Office
Now January June 1 100% All non-conforming degrees pulled New degree proposals must show that C-ID approval is pending or final if C-ID exists; use articulation only if C-ID does not exist * *Articulation may not be used to bypass C-ID participation. 80% Replace self-certified C- ID with pending or final C-ID Replace the use of articulation if C-ID exists
Degree Development Goals What if we don’t/can’t offer all the courses? What if students never complete that major, even though we’ve always had it on the books? If we get rid of our existing degree, do we still have to create an AA-T or AS-T?
C-ID and TMC Issues Colleges that provided evidence of articulation instead of comparability to a C- ID descriptor during the degree approval process. Colleges that have self-certified that their courses are comparable to C-ID descriptors during the degree submission process: …have claimed courses are comparable when they are not. …are not submitting courses to C-ID.
So? Will the Chancellor’s Office revoke degree approval? What possible consequences might there be for: misrepresenting courses in AA- T/AS-T degrees? not submitting courses to C-ID?
Meet Bill
Really? Legislation? A poorly worded bill that would have imposed ill-defined and extensive portability of courses in TMC-aligned degrees was defeated, in part, due to the portability ensured by C-ID. C-ID addresses the need for “portability”. C-ID is our solution to prior legislation calling for common course numbers.
“ Existing law requires the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges to develop, maintain, and disseminate a general common course numbering system for use by community college districts. ” SB 1415 (2004)
Really? Legislation? But C-ID can only provide these benefits if colleges participate. AND others who want to see SB 1440 work have noted the value/benefit/role of C-ID. “Others” who like legislation….
SB 1440 May 11, 2012 Reforming the State's Transfer Process: A Progress Report on Senate Bill SB 1440 LAO Recommendations: Statutorily endorse the TMC approach Clarify in statute that community colleges are expected to create an associate degree for transfer in every major they offer that has an approved TMC
LAO Recommendations (continued) Clarify in statute its expectation that— with limited exceptions—CSU campuses accept TMC–aligned associate degrees for transfer in each of the CSU degree options within a given major. Begin to identify next steps if the segments fall short of meeting the above goals.
Local Considerations Are degrees being created to protect programs or courses – degrees that no one ever expects a student to earn?
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