República de Colombia Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
ROMANIAN DEVELOPMENT SCHOOL “Developing ourselves to help develop the others” Developing country’s ownership Enrique Maruri, Director of International Co-operation Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia September
What is Ownership? “(…) countries exercise effective leadership over their development policies and strategies and coordinate development actions” (Paris Declaration, 2005) “(…) Country ownership is key. Developing country governments will take stronger leadership of their own development policies, and will engage with their parliaments and citizens in shaping those policies. Donors will support them by respecting countries’ priorities, investing in their human resources and institutions, making greater use of their systems to deliver aid, and increasing the predictability of aid flows” (Accra Agenda for Action, 2008) Developing country’s ownership
Leadership and capacity development Donor agencies have to support partner-country leadership in the design of policies. This allows the development of those capacities needed to improve country performance. Capacity development is the flipside of ownership: they are mutually reinforcing. Broader definition of ownership: the concept has to be broad based including CSO’s, parliaments, media, think tanks, among others Main issues related to Country Ownership
Conditionality: Important to move forward towards an incentives scheme that eliminates policy conditionalities and is based on results achievement. Predictability: greater predictability in aid would reinforce ownership by allowing administrations greater room to plan the allocation of their resources. South–South cooperation as a mechanism to strengthen capacity development, by sharing know how, experiences and good practices among developing countries Main issues related to Country Ownership
Three main objectives: Social programmes represent 57% of total investment (Us$75 billion) Democratic Security Sustainable Economic Growth Poverty Reduction and Social Cohesion National Development Plan “Communitarian State: Development for Everybody”
40% 76% 87% Source : FONDELIBERTAD Source: CIC – DIJIN Policía Nacional - Diciembre Source: CIC- DIJÍN Policía Nacional- Ministerio de Defensa Improvements in security, human rights and protection of individual liberties ( ) Source : Observatorio de Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario – Vicepresidencia de la República. Cifras preliminares para % Murders of teachers and unionists
Poverty vs Economic Growth Colombia´s Recent Economic Performance Fuente: DNP - Estimaciones MERPD con base en ENH y ECH Meta pobreza: 35%
Extreme poverty Colombia´s extreme poverty reduction Fuente: DNP - Estimaciones MERPD con base en ENH y ECH Meta pobreza extrema: 8%
Colombia and the Millennium Development Goals Source: DNP. Goals to be achieved before 2015
Aid as a GDP % Aid resources vs GDP
London – Cartagena – Bogotá Process –Three conferences (London 2003, Cartagena 2005 and Bogotá 2007) –Scenario for multi-stakeholder dialogue between central government, international community and civil society Aid coordination and policy dialogue Aid coordination Policy dialogueHuman rights
International Cooperation Strategy 2007 – 2010 –Alignment with national priorities: three main areas: Millennium Development Goals Fight against the world drugs problem and environment protection Reconciliation and governance –Consolidation of aid as a complement to national development efforts: Us$300 millions per year (0.3% GDP) Developing country’s ownership
UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK This framework aims at the harmonization between the offer and the country’s development needs and priorities. It also orientates the Cooperation to those sectors where the UN has achieved a certain knowledge that can support the Government actions regarding development issues. The negotiation process involved around 18 UN agencies, funds and programs and around 30 governmental institutions. The resources from the UN are estimated in around 255 million dollars for the next four years to come. The UNDAF established 4 main areas that are consistent with the National Development Plan for and the International Cooperation Strategy : Poverty, Equity and Social Development Sustainable Development Social Rule of Law and Gobernability Peace, Security and Reconciliation We are now negotiating the UNDAF’s monitoring and evaluation indicators
From aid to co-operation Aid Objectives: Millennium Development Goals Fight against the world drugs problem and environmental protection Reconciliation and governance Co-operation Key areas: Bio fuels Economic cooperation Science and technology Disasters prevention and management Regional integration Tourism Biodiversity Areas where Colombia wants to concentrate aid flows received Priority areas where Colombia Wants to find partners Vertical Perspective Donor Recipient Horizontal Perspective Networks Alliances
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