Differentiate PC, server, and handheld device operating system Bernetta Falaniko Charles Miller Jowella Vaka
Personal Computer A computer built around a microprocessor for use by an individual. Personal computers have their own operating systems, software, and peripherals, and can generally be linked to networks The four basic functions of a computer: input processing, output storage
A desktop operating system is an operating system that was designed for use by people to perform tasks such as writing an essay, reading , etc, a good example is Windows XP. While a server operating system is an operating system that was designed to run on a server. An example is Windows Sever With server OS we can manage desktop OS. Server Os is higher version of Desktop OS. 2.server OS gives centralised administration for users shared resources higher security. But Desktop OS gives local machine administration only. 3.Server OS is fully covered & managed security. For (ex) Domain Controller application server print server etc. We make server with security. for Desktop OS Normal PC. We make low level security.
Palm Palms are pioneers of 'organization on-the-go'. These devices are easy to use and include many applications to help organize work schedules and tasks. Different Palm models have different operating systems and functions, but the majority of the overall product is similar. Windows Mobile Many handheld devices run on the Windows Mobile operating system. Their advantage is the ease and convenience of having Microsoft Office and other Microsoft applications such as Outlook, Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, and Windows Live at your fingertips.
The operating system on most handheld computers and small devices, called an embedded operating system, resides on a ROM chip. Popular embedded operating systems include Windows CE, Pocket PC OS, and Palm OS. →Windows CE is a scaled-down Windows operating system designed for use on wireless communications devices and smaller computers such as handheld computers, in-vehicle devices, and Web-enabled devices. →Pocket PC OS is a scaled-down operating system developed by Microsoft that works on a specific type of handheld computer, called a Pocket PC. The Palm OS is the operating system used on Palm handheld computers from Palm, Inc., and Visor handheld computers from Handspring.