OBE Seminar today 12:10 Skaggs 117 Eric Aschehoug (PhD Defense) “Indirect Interactions and Plant Community Structure”
Christina McBane & Hilary Bland Blue Mountain
More Asteridae - big families! Asteraceae Apiaceae
Apiaceae - Carrot family Inflorescence umbel (often compound)
Apiaceae - Carrot family Special Fruit type schizocarp = 2 fused achenes
Lomatium - Biscuitroot - herbs w/ ferny leaves common in rocky grasslands flowers often yellow taproot edible (with processing)
Asteraceae - Aster or Composite family Alternate name: Compositae Distribution worldwide, primarily temperate zone extremely diverse: 1500 genera, >23,000 species
Asteraceae - Aster or Composite family Inflorescence = a head with involucral bracts Each “flower” is an inflorescence
Asteraceae - Aster or Composite family Inflorescence = a head with involucral bracts
Asteraceae - Aster or Composite family 2 kinds of flowers in composite heads -- disk flowers (radially symmetric, in center) -- ray flowers (irregular, often sterile) Involucral bracts Inflorescence receptacle
Asteraceae - Aster or Composite family
Asteraceae - Aster or Composite family Inflorescence receptacle
Asteraceae - Aster or Composite family Inflorescence receptacle
Asteraceae - Aster or Composite family 3 kinds of inflorescences ray flowers only disk and ray flowers disk flowers only Not all composites are yellow -- this is just a sample!!
Asteraceae - Aster or Composite family Fruit type = achene often with pappus (calyx) modified for wind dispersal
Asteraceae - Aster or Composite family In Montana largest family: 80 genera, 374 species mostly herbs, some shrubs (ex. Artemisia or Sagebrush) several Noxious Weeds (ex. Centaurea or Knapweed)
Asteraceae - Aster or Composite family Leaves alternate or opposite entire, toothed or pinnately lobed sometimes prickly (thistles) often a basal rosette in perennial herbs
Aster - Aster - >25 species in Montana - annual or perennial herbs - leaves simple, often linear - disk and ray flowers
Centaurea - Knapweed/Star-thistle - ~5 non-native weeds - perennial herbs w/ taproot leaves simple, lobed, compound plants spiny
Artemesia - Sagebrush 20 species dryland shrubs leaves simple or lobed; hairy plants aromatic disk flowers only (not showy)
Lamiaceae Boraginaceae Scrophulariaceae
Solanaceae Phlox Dodecatheon Campanula
More Asteridae - big families! Asteraceae Apiaceae
Exam 2 grade distribution Mean = 80 Median = 81