Date: 12/12/14 Team members: Nick Harrison
Problem: Material brought back from jobsites is not easy to find in the warehouse, and is not kept track of at all. Goal: Create a system to manage the organization and tracking of the material.
SIPOC SuppliersInputsPROCESSOutputsCustomers Material SuppliersInitial MaterialMaterial makesStored materialProject Managers Finished JobsLeft-over Materialits way to the Project Managers Warehouse Manager Material Organizationwarehouse Project Managers
Strengths: Dedicated warehouse manager. Intelligent and able project managers. Technologically capable.
Weaknesses: Communication barriers between warehouse and office. Older project managers may have difficulty learning new system.
Opportunities: Increase speed of material delivery. Decrease time spent searching warehouse for material. Decreased costs for jobs.
Threats: Lack of willingness to learn new system in the office. Increased temporary workload for warehouse manager.
Customer(s)CTQ KPOV(s) KPIV(s) Communication between project managers and warehouse manager Material placed in organized manner, and tracked in system Project Managers Easy system to find correct material Organized material Communication between project managers and warehouse manager Warehouse Manager Material placed in organized manner, and tracked in system Easy system to find correct material
DescriptionDistance Clock Time Task Time Wait TimeObservations Driver Delivers Excess Material30 Miles32 min.. Does the driver have another immediate delivery?No32 min.0. If yes.... Dump material in most convenient spot.... Return from Delivery.... If no.... Set Material in semi-organized location50 ft.92 min1 hr.. Project manager looks for material in warehouse100 ft.112 min.20 min..Manager wandered Warehouse for a while Does he find the material?Yes112 min.0. If no.... PM orders material from supplier.... If yes.... PM leaves driver note5 ft.114 min2 min120 min. Driver delivers material15 miles254 min.20 min..Driver does not notice note for a while
Project Name:Warehouse Material Tracking Output Metric:Finding Material Date/TimeMaterial TypeMaterial FoundComment 10/20/2014MixedSomeMore than half was found 10/21/2014Metal StudsNo 10/21/2014Finishing MaterialsYes 10/21/2014Metal StudsNo 10/23/2014Acoustical GridSomeLess than half was found 10/23/2014Finishing MaterialsNo 10/24/2014Metal StudsSomeMore than half was found
Data Points Time taken searching for material. Whether or not a PM asked the Warehouse manger for help? Did the PM find all the material they were looking for?
According to the data: The communication between the Project Managers and the Warehouse manager does not show a correlation between how long or if the material is found. Whether or not the material is found shows a correlation between how much time is spent looking. If the material is not available, then the Project Manager spends more time looking than if the material is found right away.
The KPIV that causes the most problems with the KPOV is the lack of a system that keeps track of available material within the warehouse. This is shown by the increased time spent looking for material that is not available in the warehouse. If there was a list available, then the Project Manager could easily look at the list and determine if what he needs is in the warehouse or not without wasting time looking for it.
Solution Matrix KPOV(s):Material placed in an organized and tracked. Solutions KPIVs: Excel File Visible to All Weekly Meetings Full Time Material Manager KPIV #1Communication 486 KPIV #2Tracking System 839 Success Criteria Total Impact Cost 1081 Likelihood of Success 648
Have warehouse manager make a list of material brought back or taken away. Have office secretary input list into Excel file visible to one project manager.
Date: 12/1/201 4 Process: Control Process Step What's Controlled? Input or Output? Spec. Limits / Requireme nts Measureme nt Method Control Method Sample Size Frequency Who/What Measures Review Frequency/ Corrective Action Make Material List ListInput List all material ManualRun Chart100%Per Occurrence Warehouse manager Weekly Friday 9:00 AM Input Material List Into Document DocumentInput List All mateiral ManualRun Chart100%Per OccurrenceSecretary Weekly Friday 9:00 AM Use document to search material list Find Material Output 3 min. or less ManualRun Chart100%Per Occurrence Project Manager Weekly Friday 9:00 AM
Allowing other Project Managers to access the document Fill them in on the process Total of 5 Project Managers
Costs: Time of warehouse manager Time of secretary Benefits: Saves money on material costs Saves Project managers time Helps facilitate emergency material deliveries